Just Like You-(Poem Dedicated To Frodo Baggins)

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Why do I compare myself to you?
I know you aren't real
I know that to be true
You're a strange little creature
So am I
You're just like me, you're quiet and shy
Your eyes are so bright and so blue
Why do I compare myself to you?
Your past was so tragic, so painful, so sad
You lost your family, your mom and your dad
"You deserve so much more"
Some people say to me
I know that I do
I wish to be free
During the evening
You appear in my head
I am asleep in your arms
My face is free from dread
I hear the sound of your soothing voice
Lulling me to sleep
Your voice is so soft, like the wool of sheep
"Hush, hush, my darling dear
Do not worry
Do not fear
I am with you
wherever you go
I love you
I love you
I love you, you know."
Why do I compare myself to you?
It's because of the struggles
That you have been through
You marched through hell
With fear in your eyes
So have I
So have I
You are fictional
but to me
you are real
This is how I feel
This is how I feel

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