True Love

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I was sitting on the living room couch, flipping through pages of a book that Frodo had given me. Merry was sitting beside me, gazing at me, intently. There was a giant smirk upon his face.

I was so lost in the book that I had forgotten that Merry was there. To get my attention, Merry quickly waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hey, Brianna!" he shouted, in an exuberant manner. I jumped from my seat and accidentally dropped the book onto the floor. I let out a long, exasperated sigh. I rose from my seat and got down on the floor on my hands and knees, reaching for my book.

"Oh, no. Now, I've forgotten where I left off." I frowned. I got up from the floor with my book tucked in my arms and sat back down on the couch. Merry wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Now, I'll have to start over." I continued. Merry shook his head. "It's not the end of the world, Bri." he said, jokingly. "It's just a book."

"Frodo gave me this book." I murmured. I stared down into my lap and cradled my head in my hands. "It was special."

"I'm sure that Frodo has other books you can read." Merry encouraged. "Besides, that book wasn't that interesting. Was it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well....I...I guess you're right. It wasn't the greatest book in the world. Frodo probably has other books I can read. I should go and ask him."

Before I tried to lift myself up from the couch, Merry placed his hands upon my waist and gently lowered me back down to where I was sitting. "Please, don't leave. Stay here. With me." he begged. "Frodo is probably busy. You wouldn't want to bother him, would you?"

I shook my head and sighed. "No, I wouldn't. You're right, Merry. I should stay here."

"Yes. You should." replied Merry, as he was ruffling my silky brown hair.

Merry spotted the book that I was cradling in my hands. "I don't understand." he muttered. "What's so fun about reading boring old books?"

"They're not boring." I murmured. "I love books. They can take you to so many amazing and magical places. Frodo reads to me every night before I go to bed."

"Hmm. I see." replied Merry. He stroked his chin with his index finger. His eyes were still focused on my book.

"Hey, Brianna. Can...can I just see that book for one second?"

I nodded my head and hesitantly handed my book over to Merry. Once Merry took a hold of my book, he set it down on the end table beside the couch.

"You want to know what's more fun than reading books, Bri?" Merry asked me with a grin on his face. I shook my head, in confusion.

"You spending time with me." Merry replied, affectionately. "Wouldn't you agree?"

A smile grew on my face. "Yes." I answered, timidly. "I do agree."

Merry slowly pulled me in close to him. His lips embraced mine. The kiss was magical. Like, I was put under a wizard's spell. When we released, Merry pressed his index finger on the dimple on my cheek and kissed it.

I chuckled, nervously. I shyly looked away from Merry and stared down into my lap. "Gosh, Merry. That was....that was beautiful."

Merry nodded his head. "Aye, but not as beautiful as you."

My cheeks turned a bright pink. I was blushing like mad. I couldn't find any words to say.

All of a sudden, I found Merry resting his golden, curly head upon my shoulder. He fell into a deep sleep.

"Hold me." Merry murmured.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around Merry and held him close to me. As soon as I felt comfortable holding Merry, I closed my eyes and fell asleep beside him.

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