Always There For You

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I sat down on the living room couch. My eyes were bursting with tears. My face collapsed into my hands. I let out a loud gasp. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of footsteps nearby. It must have been Frodo.

When he arrived at the Living Room, Frodo noticed that I was very upset. A concerned expression grew on his face. He quietly walked over to the couch and took his place beside me. I felt him place a gentle hand upon my shoulder.

"Brianna? What's the matter? Are you alright?" he asked, in a soothing voice. I slowly shook my head. My face was drenched in tears. My nose had turned a bright shade of red. I sniffled, loudly. It felt like a piece of my heart was missing. My chest felt so tight I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

"I...I...I'm....I'm so...." I pressed my hand against my chest and swallowed heavily. "I'm so sad, F-F-Frodo. It...It hurts...s-s-so...much."

Frodo's angelic blue eyes were filled with pity. He could not bear to see me in such a heartbroken state. He pulled me close to him and embraced me in a warm, gentle embrace. He whispered softly in my ear. "What is hurting you?"

I buried my head in Frodo's shoulder. I gasped and wheezed. "I'm scared, Frodo! I'm scared!" Frodo pulled me in closer to him. "It's alright. It's alright." he soothed. "Relax. Relax. Relax. Tell me what's wrong." "I feel so scared! I"

I found it very difficult to relax. My lungs felt like they were going to fall off. My body was shaking like a leaf. Frodo whispered in my ear again. He was trying his best to calm me down. "Shhh, Brianna. Shhh. It's alright. It's alright. Shhh. Tell me what is troubling you. Tell me."

I whimpered, loudly. "I something...." Frodo nodded his head.
"Something bad is going to happen to me." I continued. I heard Frodo let out a quiet sigh. I felt his warm breath upon my neck. "Oh, dear. Dear, oh, dear. Why do you think that?" he asked.

"I don't...don't know." I sobbed. "I don't know. awful feeling inside me." My stomach roared like a lion. My hands trembled like earthquakes. "Oh, F-F-Frodo." I whimpered.

Frodo began to rub my back in soft, gentle, circular motions. "Oh, my precious girl. I am so sorry." The hobbit gently took a hold of my right hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb. "Maybe it might be a good idea if you rested for a while. I can make you some warm tea, if you would like that."

My lips trembled as I spoke. "Yes, p-p-p-please. Please." All of a sudden, Frodo got up from the couch and placed his hands underneath my legs and the back of my neck. "Would you like me to carry you to your room?" Frodo asked, politely. "Yes, p-p-p-please." I repeated.

The hobbit carefully lifted me from the couch and cradled me in his tender arms. I rested my head underneath his dark locks.

When we had arrived at my bedroom, Frodo had set me down gently onto my mattress. He snatched a large bright pink cotton blanket from the edge of the bed. This blanket was special. Frodo had given it to me. His mother had made it because she thought that she was expecting a baby girl. Frodo was given the blanket, but he never found a purpose for it. During the first week of my adoption, Frodo had given it to me. It was used as a security blanket. This blanket gave me comfort whenever I was frightened, alone, or sad.

Frodo lifted up the blanket and tucked me in it. I gazed up at Frodo with my sorrowful green eyes. The hobbit sat down at my side and brushed my messy, tangled hair away from my eyes. His hands felt like silk.

He kissed me softly on my forehead. My heart rate began to drop. I was able to relax again. I was able to be at peace. At peace. At peace. The hobbit told me to close my eyes and rest.

"But, I can't fall asleep." I said. "I don't think I'll be able to." A worried expression grew upon my face. "Not to worry, dear." Frodo grinned. "I'll go to the kitchen and make you some tea. That should help you sleep." Frodo brushed my hair over my ears and kissed me on my forehead once more. He left the room and headed towards the kitchen.

Several minutes later, Frodo returned with a small porcelain teacup full of warm tea. The scent of the tea was sweet. When Frodo handed me the tea, I took a large sip of it and then I set the cup down on my nightstand beside me.

I yawned, loudly. I was fatigued. My eyelids drooped down and I fell into long, deep sleep. I was at peace. I was at peace.

Frodo kissed me on my cheek and then on my forehead. He stayed with me for a few minutes to make sure that I was still sound asleep.

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