Leave Her Alone

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It was such a beautiful sunny day in the Shire. Merry and I were walking back from the market. I kept to myself most of the time. I looked up at the sky above. I was fascinated by the fluffy white clouds that were floating above us. I noticed that there was a cloud that looked exactly like a bird. I couldn't keep my eyes off it.

Merry was munching and crunching on a large, juicy, red apple that he bought from the market. "This apple is absolutely delicious." he said, while eating. "You know, Bri, I could've offered to buy you an apple if you wanted one."

I shook my head. "You didn't have to get me anything, Merry." I said, modestly. "I'm alright."

"Bri, I would do anythin' for you to make you happy. I would do anythin' to put a smile on your beautiful face. I love you."

Merry wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. "You know that I do. Don't you?" he whispered in my ear. My cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Yes, Merry." I said, timidly. "I know you love me."

"I know you love me, too." Merry smiled. "Right?" I nodded my head and smiled. "Yes, Merry. I love you, too."

All of a sudden, Merry and I saw a hobbit walking slowly in our direction. This hobbit didn't look too friendly. He was tall, he had curly brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He started speaking to Merry, in an obnoxious manner.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Meriadoc Brandybuck." The hobbit crossed his arms and gave Merry a dirty look.

"Lotho Sackville-Baggins!" grumbled Merry. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." retorted Lotho.

Lotho looked away from Merry and fixed his unkind eyes on mine. "Who's she?" he asked, in a snobbish manner. "She don't look like a hobbit. What kind of trouble are you up to now, Mr. Brandybuck?"

"None, actually." Merry snorted.

"What is she doing here? You know that humans don't belong in the Shire. I can't wait to tell Lobelia about this. She's going to be in for quite a surprise."

Merry's face turned bright red with anger. He hated Lobelia so much. Merry knew that if Lobelia found out that I was living in the Shire, she would most definitely tell the other hobbits. The news would spread around the Shire like wildfire. Merry wanted to protect me from the other hobbits, just like Frodo.

"Don't you dare tell Lobelia, you little snitch!" he shouted out, in frustration. There was fire in Merry's eyes. I stepped behind him and peered over his right shoulder, in fear. I was afraid how things were going to turn out. Frodo had told me all about Lobelia and how awful and cruel she was. He told me that she never had anything good to say about anyone. He also told me a story about how she stole spoons that belonged to Bilbo. I would never want to meet Lobelia in person. If she ever encountered me, she would have nothing good to say. To me, she sounds like a witch.

"Why shouldn't I? You can't possibly have feelings for that human, Meriadoc." teased Lotho. "It's absolutely revolting."

Merry moved in closer to Lotho. They were standing face to face with each other with grimaces painted on their faces.

"As a matter of fact, Lotho, I do have feelings for that human." Said Merry. Merry turned around slowly and fixated his blue eyes on my dark green eyes. "I...I...love her." His voice turned soft. "I don't care what anyone thinks. She means the world to me. I would never let anything happen to her. She's...the best thing that's ever happened to me. Why don't you understand, Lotho? Why doesn't anyone understand?"

A single tear fell from my eye and onto my cheek. Merry was right. Nobody understands. I knew from the beginning that Merry and I were meant to be together. The hobbits thought otherwise. But, I don't care what the hobbits think of us. I shouldn't have to. I honestly didn't know what to say. Merry's words moved me. There was so much emotion in his voice.
My lips quivered.

"Merry." I whispered.

"I know." Merry whispered back.

All of a sudden, Lotho caught Merry off guard and pushed him from behind. Merry and I fell to the ground with a thud. Merry couldn't this anymore. He gritted his teeth and picked himself up from the ground. Merry ran up to Lotho, clenched his fist tightly and punched him in the nose.

Lotho lost his balance and fell backwards onto the ground. Merry pressed his foot on top of Lotho's abdomen, making sure that he wouldn't run off.

"If you tell Lobelia, I will come after you and I will get you back!" thundered Merry. "You understand?!"

Lotho nodded his head, weakly. "Y-yes. I...I understand. W-will you...let me go?"

Merry crossed his arms. "You promise not to tell Lobelia?!"

Lotho nodded his head once more. "I..I...I promise." Merry lifted his foot from Lotho's body and allowed him to pick himself up from the ground.

"Get out of my sight, Lotho!" Merry grumbled. "Get out of here!" Lotho nervously nodded his head and ran as far away from Merry and I as he could.

Merry turned around and noticed that I was struggling to pick myself up. He kneeled down and reached for my hand. "I'm so sorry, Brianna. I had no idea that this was going to happen."

I gently brushed away the dirt on my shoulders. "It's alright, Merry. I'm fine." I murmured.

Merry shook his head. "No, it's not alright. I was worried about you. I thought you were going to get hurt."

"I'm alright, Merry." I repeated. "I'm not hurt."

"Are you sure?" Merry asked me, in a concerned tone of voice.

"Yes, I'm sure." I replied.

Merry let out a soft sigh. "Alright, then. Come on, Bri. Let's bring you back to Frodo. He's probably worried sick about you."

Merry gently grabbed a hold of my hand and walked me all the way back to Bag End.

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