An Afternoon With Merry And Pippin

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"I heard that you are in love with Brianna, Merry." said Pippin, with a smile upon his face. "Is it true? Are you in love with her, Merry?"

Merry let out a loud sigh. "Yes, Pippin. I'm in love with her."

Pippin jumped up and down in excitement. "That's wonderful! Does she love you, too?" Curiosity was sparkling in the hobbit's wide eyes. Pippin thought that Merry was never going to fall in love with anyone because he thought that he was too serious and he thought that Merry never had the time to settle into a romantic relationship. But, all of that changed when Merry confessed his love for me. It's true, Merry can be serious sometimes, but he's a real sweetheart once you get to know him a little better.

Merry cheeks turned red, in embarrassment. "Yes, she loves me, too. There's somethin' about her, Pip. I don't know what it is." He shrugged his shoulders. "I just can't seem to get her off my mind. Ah, she's such a beautiful young lass."

"Aye, she is." Pippin smiled. "You know, Merry, I think you two are perfect for each other."

"You really think so, Pip?" Asked Merry.

Pippin nodded his head. "I do. Hey, Merry? Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Merry smiled at the young hobbit. "Sure, Pip. What did you want to ask me?"

"Do you still have a bit of that Old Toby left?" Asked Pippin. "I could go for a smoke right about now. I haven't smoked in days!" He reached deep into his coat pocket and pulled out a long, wooden pipe.

"Aye, I do." replied Merry, while pulling out a small sack of Old Toby from his trouser pocket "You mind if I smoke with you?

"Not at all, Merry!" Cheered Pippin. "I'd love to have you join me!"

Merry took some of the pipe weed and stuffed a bit into the bowl of the wooden pipe. He also stuffed some into the bowl of Pippin's pipe as well. He snatched a match from his jacket pocket and struck it against the edge of the pipe. A small orange flame danced along the end of the match. Merry lit his and his friend's pipe and they began to smoke.

Merry sucked the bore of the pipe and inhaled some of the smoke. To him, the taste of the Old Toby was sweet. Whenever Merry would smoke, all of his worries would instantly melt away.

"Ah, nothing beats Old Toby, does it, Pippin?" Asked Merry, while he exhaled a giant cloud of smoke, which quickly dissipated into the air.

Pippin shook his head. "No, it doesn't. It's the best weed in the Southfarthing! Wait, I mean the Westfarthing!"

"That Old Toby is gettin' to your head, Pip." Teased Merry.

I was quietly strolling down the road, making my way back to Bag End. I had to make sure that I was back in time for Afternoon Tea. I couldn't afford to miss it. I love having Afternoon Tea with Frodo. He bakes the most delicious scones. I like to top them off with strawberry jam. Sweet strawberry jam. Oh, Goodness. I'm making myself hungry. I can already feel my stomach growling.

I saw Merry and Pippin up ahead. I wondered what they were up to. Merry and Pippin turned around and shouted my name. "Brianna! Brianna! Over here! Over here!" As soon as I caught up to Merry and Pippin, Merry walked over to me and tightly wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I chuckled, quietly.

I noticed that the two hobbits were carrying wooden pipes in their hands. There was a musky stench in the air. I covered my mouth with my hand and coughed. "Ugh! What's that awful smell?" I complained.

"Old Toby!" announced Pippin, while he blew out a puff of smoke. "Pipe weed! The finest in all of the Shire! You want to try?"

I coughed again. The smell of the smoke became unbearable. "No, thank you. I'm too young to smoke. And I don't think I want to try."

Merry sucked on the end of his pipe. There was a wide grin on his face. "Oh, come on, Bri. It's not that bad. Just try it. Please."

I shook my head. "I don't want to." I repeated. "But, thank you for your offer. I don't think Frodo wants me smoking. I also think that it's not ladylike to be smoking....pipe weed."

"Alright, then." replied Merry. "More for us. You really have to learn to have fun, Brianna. I mean, all you do is hang around with Frodo in Bag End. Frodo isn't that exciting. All he does is read books."

"I know how to have fun." I said, quietly. "I like to draw, I like to bake, I like to go strawberry picking with Frodo....."

"You like to draw, eh?" said Merry, while chewing on the end of his pipe. He pulled me in close and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "What kinds of things do you draw?"

"Oh. I, um, I like to do ink drawings." I murmured. "I don't really draw anything special."

"It's alright, Bri." Smiled Pippin. "Tell us what you draw."

"If I tell you, you'll think it's silly." I shrugged my shoulders.

"No, we won't." Pippin encouraged. "Come on. Won't you tell us?"

I let out a long sigh. "Alright. I'll tell you. I...I...I draw....goats." I said, nervously.

Merry gazed at me with his cheerful blue eyes. "You draw goats? Hmm. Interesting. Do you like goats?"

I nodded my head and shyly fluttered my eyes. "Yes, I do. I know it's weird. They're my favourite animal."

Merry shook his head. "It's not weird at all. I think it's adorable that you like goats. They're just as adorable as you, my angel."

I started blushing like mad. "You really think so, Merry?"

Merry grinned. "Of course. Maybe I'll have to buy you a couple of goats someday from the market. Wouldn't you love that?"

"Y-y-yes." I stuttered. "I would."

Merry gently brushed my hair over my ears and nestled his curly head against my shoulder. "I would do anythin' for you. Anythin'. You know that I would. Right, Brianna?" I nodded my head, timidly.

"Merry, is that Old Toby getting to your head again?" said Pippin, jocosely.

"Oh, hush, Pip!" snapped Merry. "That's enough outta you!"

Merry lifted his head off my shoulder and gazed into my eyes. He squeezed my shoulders, affectionately.

"I'm so sorry, Merry, but I'm afraid that I have to go. Frodo is waiting for me at Bag End. He misses me." I confessed. "I don't want him to get worried."

Merry shook his head slowly. "Can't you stay for a little while longer, Bri? I miss you." His voice drifted into a whisper. "I miss you."

"I'm sorry, Merry. I have to go home." I murmured. "But, I promise that I'll spend more time with you tomorrow. I...I love you, Merry."

Merry pulled me into a loving embrace. "I love you, too, Brianna. I'll see you, tomorrow. Goodbye, my love."

Merry released me from his grasp and I continued walking down the old dirt road back to Bag End.

After I left, Pippin looked over at Merry and grinned. "Awww, Merry! You're such a gentleman!" he teased. "You have such a way with lasses!"

Merry crossed his arms and smiled. "I'm proud of it! You know that Brianna can't resist a handsome hobbit like me! I mean, look at me!" he cheered.

"I am looking at you, Merry." replied Pippin. Merry shook his head and cuffed Pippin on the back of the head. "Pippin, you're so hopeless."
he grumbled.

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