Who Am I?

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© Copyright 2011 HollyMD


"We've had enough of this out of you, young lady. We won't stand for it anymore." Phillip, my foster dad tells me.

"Good!" I scream back at him. "I hate it here anyways." I say storming towards the door.

"If you walk out that door young lady, you better plan on never coming back." Maggie, Phillips wife tells me.

I let out a puff of air as I rip open the door and yell back to them, "I'm never coming back." I say then slam the door as I make my bratty like exit. I've never liked it there anyways, I tell myself as I storm off towards the neighborhood park. My foster parents and I have never gotten along, but then again I've never gotten along with any of my foster parents.

The Dennisons-Phillip and Margaret, try to be patient with me but I'm never anything but trouble. Aiden their oldest son and Jackson the youngest are really good brothers. They treat me like I'm their real sister. Not some foster kid that moved in four months ago, because she got kicked out of her last foster home. They're a great family, the only problem is-they're not my family.

My mom and dad died in a car accident when I was about seven. I don't really remember much about them, I just know that I loved them. I went and lived with my aunt and uncle for a while but my behavior made them decide I was too much for them to handle.

You know the usual when a kid has lost their parents: skipping school, smoking, drinking, and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Most of it didn't start until I turned ten, though. That's when I met my first foster family the Montenegro's. They were a nice family, I guess. They treated me okay for a while, until they had a little baby of their own, then they decided they couldn't care for two children. Then came the Harrison's, I didn't like living there from day one. They yelled me all the time and made me work like I was their slave instead of their daughter. There were four other families that tried to take me in but after only a week of 'trying,' I was right back in Mrs. Carroll's office-waiting for another family to come take me home.

When I reached the park I made my way over to the swings and sat on one. Letting the wind lightly push me back and fourth. It's pretty late out so there wasn't really anyone around. The street lights would be coming on soon, so most kids were already in the house-talking and laughing with their families-maybe watching TV or eating dinner together. You know, the stuff real families do.

After sitting on the swing for about two hours, just watching as the leaves blew by and the trees swayed with the wind I decided to go back to the Dennison's, plus it was getting pretty chilly out.

I knew that when I got back I would be in a lot trouble. I know they've already called Mrs. Carroll. She's probably at the house waiting for me.

As I made my way onto the street the Dennison house was on I could see Mrs. Carroll's car in the driveway. I made my way up the front steps into the house to find the Dennison's and Mrs. Carroll all sitting in the living room-waiting on me.

"I'll go pack." I say in a low voice and make my way up the steps to the room I had been occupying. I grab a bag from the closet and throw the few belongings I possess into it. I've learned that it makes no sense to have a lot of clothes and things when you're just gonna have to lug it all around, time and time again. After I finish packing, I make my way down the steps where Mrs. Carroll is waiting for me at the bottom with a sad look on her face. She really wanted this family to work out for me. She's one of the few people in the system that actually gives a damn about what happens to me. She'd said she'd adopt me herself if she could. But with four kids of her own I wouldn't want to put that extra burden on her.

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