Be Strong

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This chapter is shifting POV's.


Chapter 27

Spencer's POV

"Stop freaking out Spence." Stacy tells me as I pace back and fourth next to our lunch table. Ashley just left twenty minutes ago with Ms. Heevy and I'm going insane thinking about all the possible outcomes of what this blood test will mean.

"I can't." I say simply, as I continue to pace.

"You're making me nervous." Madison says turning and looking at me.

"Well what if he takes her away?" I ask and finally sit down. "I can't lose her guys." I say looking back and forth between the two of them.

"We don't want to lose her either Spence. Ashley's one of my best friends. It would kill me if she left." Stacy says.

"But there's nothing that we can do." Madison adds. "It's out of our hands." She says, but I refuse to accept that. There has to be something I can do.

"I'm not letting him take her." I say firmly, standing up from the table and stalking out of the dining hall up to the library. There's got to be a way to fix all this and I'm gonna find it.

Ashley's POV

"Everything's going to be okay." Ms. Heevy tells me as we enter the hospital.

"No it's not." I shake my head. Ms. Heevy sighs but doesn't say anything else as we make our way through the hospital.

"You must be Mr. Parish?" Ms. Heevy asks a tall man in a dark blue suit with a briefcase as we approach him.

"Indeed I am." The man answers holding out his hand for Ms. Heevy to shake and she does. "And you must be Ashley?" He asks with a smile. I nod, pretending to not see his hand held out in front of me. "I've been your father's legal aid for over ten years and I have never seen him so excited before." He tells me like it's supposed to make me feel better.

"I don't care." I shrug and say bluntly.

"Ashley." Ms. Heevy scolds me. Surprised by my rudeness.

"No Ms. Heevy, he needs to know that what he's doing is hurting me. He's trying to take me away from my friends and the only family that I have. He should know how I feel about it." I tell her and Mr. Parish.

"Raife does not set out to do such things. He only wants to be reconnected with the daughter he never knew he had. He just wants to know you." Mr. Parish tries to explain to me.

"It's too late." I shake my head and look down.

"Are we ready to go in?" I hear a woman's voice ask and I look up to see a doctor smiling at me. I take another look at Ms. Heevy who gives me a sad smile, before I nod and go with the doctor.

Spencer's POV

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Someone says behind me as I'm searching the internet for something...anything that could help me keep Ashley's dad from taking her away.

"Shouldn't you?" I ask when I turn around and see it's Kyla. She shrugs and sits down in the seat next to me.

"I hate math. I hardly ever go." She says getting on the internet.

"So you don't care about failing?" I ask, quirking a brow.

"Mr. Troy is cool. He doesn't fail anyone." She says with a sly smile as she plays a game on the computer.

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