Life Stories

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I woke up the next morning after sneaking back in at about two in the morning, tired—with a really bad headache. I guess the courage punch I drank last night is finally catching up to me.

"Ashley didn't come back here last night." Madison points up to her un-used bed.

Stacy untangles herself from Rachael, grabbing her phone off the dresser, "She didn't call either."

"You think the cops called Ms. Heevy?" Madison asks getting up from her bed.

"Probably." Rachael states, stretching out as Stacy kisses on her.

"You two never stop, do you?" Madison says to her friends.

"Don't be jealous that my girlfriend is fine, Madison." Stacy says jokingly, getting up from her bed. Madison puts her finger in her mouth and makes a gag face causing the three of us to laugh at her.

"I heard you were like, Doctor Carlin last night, Spencer." Rachael says following her girlfriends actions.

I laugh at her, "Not really, I just did what anyone would have done." I say with a shrug.

"Oh don't be so modest, Spencer. Ashley told us how you kept her calm and shit and how if you weren't there something really bad might have happened to Ky. Don't play that shit down lightly, know what I'm saying?" Madison says really fast and in a sort of Puerto Rican accent.

"No one knows what you're saying, Madison." Rachael says slowly. Getting a pillow thrown at her head. "Aye!" Rachael shrieks, dodging the pillow.

"Watch it!" Madison says pointing a threatening finger at her friend.

"Okay, Okay." Rachael holds her hands up in defeat.

"I'm gonna go shower baby, you coming with?" Stacy asks her girlfriend, walking over to her dresser—gathering all her bathroom necessities.

"Mhm." Rachael replies, doing the same.

"I could use a nice hot shower." Madison says closing her eyes. I guess thinking about the hot water hitting her skin.

"Yeah, me too." I state, then gather up my things for the bathroom as well. We all make our way towards the door when it suddenly opens and Ashley walks through.

"Heeeeey, chica." Madison is the first one to run up to her and greet her. "We were worried. Why didn't you call?" She asks, pulling back from the hug.

"I believe we agreed on me calling if I needed you guys, and since I didn't need you, I didn't call." Ashley says pointedly to Madison.

"Hmph." Madison steps back and puts her hands on her hips. "Same ol' Ashley I see. Even after a night like last night."

"Did you expect anything else?" Stacy asks as she engulfs Ashley in a hug, followed by Rachael. "How's Kyla?"

"She's doing much better, she's downstairs in here room."

"That's really good to hear." Rachael says.

"So how bad is it?" Madison asks as Ashley walks further into the room.

"Off property privileges have been revoked for a month. I also have janitorial duty for a month and a half." Ashley says rolling her eyes. I'm not sure what janitorial duty consist of, but I can tell that Ashley is not happy about having to do it.

"Is that it?" Rachael asks, sounding almost in disbelief that Ashley's punishment wasn't more severe.

"She asked how we got to the party." Ashley says looking at Stacy. "I didn't give her your name. I told her that we took your car without your knowledge, so you're in the clear." She tells Stacy who sighs a relief. She couldn't afford to get her off property privileges revoked, seeing as though she has a job in all. "And I didn't say anything about the rest of you either." We all nod in appreciation.

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