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"I really need to get up, baby." I tell Ash for the tenth time. "I'm gonna be late." I whisper.

"Forte won't mind." She whispers in my ear, nibbling on it as finishes her sentence.

"You're tr-trying to g-get me fired aren't you?" I stutter out as she licks her way down my neck. She's seriously being unfair at the moment.

"I just hate that you have to go." She says softly.

"Well if I don't leave now Mr. Forte is gonna have a fit." I tell her trying to pull myself away from her, to no avail. "Ashley..." I breathe out as she kisses the length of my neck.

"Stay." She barely whispers. I bite my lip to keep from moaning when she takes my skin between her teeth. I turn over and connect our lips in a kiss. One that, for the first time, goes beyond the typical I love you meaning. This kiss is conveying how much we want each other. How much, at this very moment, we need each other.

"Ash." I say barely audible.

"I can't stop." She tells me, kissing down my body.

"That's the problem. I don't want you to." I reply as she lifts up my shirt and kisses my stomach.

"We don't want you to either." Someone says and my head snaps in the direction of the voice. We see all our friends staring at us—smiling. "Oh, please. Don't stop on our account." Rachael says laughing a little.

"I'm gonna go." I tell Ashley, pulling down my shirt. Much to her disapproval.

"Fucking great, Rach." Ashley groans out, punching the bed.

"What?" Rachael says holding her hands up. "It's not our fault you guys don't know how to keep quiet when you're trying to have a secret rendezvous." She shrugs and lays back down next to Stacy.

"Fuck you." Ashley snaps, as I grab my bathroom stuff and run out of the room. I quickly get freshened up and go back to the room to drop my stuff back off, having to fight off Ashley once again, before heading downstairs to work.

"You're late Ms. Carlin." Mr. Forte tells me when I get in the kitchen. He's rolling out the biscuit dough and didn't even have to look up to know it was me that came in the kitchen. I grab my hairnet and apron and head over to him.

"I know sir. I'm sorry. I um... I woke up late." I lie.

He let's out one short laugh before saying, "Well, if you wake up late again I'll be looking for someone else to take your job. Someone that doesn't have a girlfriend." He say, finally looking up at me, with a small smile on his face.

"Yes, Sir." I nod and get to work. Ashley sure as hell will be hearing about this later. I think it's her mission to get me fired. All throughout work I couldn't get my mind off of Saturday night.

Ashley and I finally went beyond first base. Meaning... well, you should get what I mean. No, we didn't go all the way to home plate but we sure as hell thought about it.

After work I headed back up to the room to get ready for school. Ashley and I had another quick make out session before class. I'm starting to enjoy taking a page from Stacy and Rachael's book.

"I can't stop thinking about your lips." Ashley leans over and whispers to me. We're in History and Mr. Johnson is up at the board talking about God knows what. I can't stop thinking about her lips either.

"Me either." I reply truthfully. She quirks a brow and I realize how what I said must've have sounded. "I mean, I can't stop thinking about yours either." I clarify.

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