The Dilemma

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Ashley's POV

When is the right time to tell someone that you think you might be falling in love with them? I guess the first step would be getting over your ex, but then is it possible to love two people at the same time?

"We can't stay in bed all day, Ash." Spencer leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Yes we can." I say turning to face her. "I'm a free woman remember. No obligations, just time... time that I want to spend with you, Spencer. In this bed." I add with a smile. Since I barely get to spend any time with her since she got that morning job, I am going to relish this Saturday morning that I get to spend with her.

"It's almost noon. We didn't even go down to breakfast. I'm starving." She tells me with a pout that I lean forward and kiss away.

"Lunch starts in fifteen minutes. So how about we go down to lunch and then come back up to bed?" I suggest, wiggling my eyebrows.

"You know, school starts on Monday, which is in two days and all you've wanted to do since you got your new found freedom is lay in bed. Doesn't really make much sense to me." She says raising a brow, smirking.

"Well you, Spencer Carlin, are worth it. Spending all day in bed with you is the best thing I could ask for." I answer honestly, matching her smirk.

"You know," She pauses and sits up. "I think that if you're gonna keep me in bed all day, you should at least try and go to second maybe third base." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

I gasp and smirk. "Are you inferring that you want me to touch you Ms. Carlin?" I say in a joking manner.

"I'm saying that I shouldn't have to ask." She says, matching my tone. We stare at each other for a moment. Neither of our expressions wavering. She's good I'll give her that.

"Okay, we're getting up." I tell her, speaking first. I jump up from the bed and she finally drops her gaze and smiles.

"Thought so." I hear her mumble under her breath as she gets up from the bed too.

"Are you two done fucking now?" Madison asks as her, Stacy and Rachael all walk into the room.

"Looks like we have some competition baby. They've been in here for almost four hours. Impressive." Rachael says turning to her Stacy.

"No!" Madison and I blurt out at the same time. "No one's trying to compete with you two." I add. I look back at Spencer who has a confused look on her face.

"Last time when Rachael and Stacy thought someone was trying to compete with them, they had sex for like ten hours straight." Madison answers the question in Spencer's head.

"Oh." Spencer nods her head, registering what Madison was explaining.

"And that's the last thing we want...again." I add.

"Damn straight. Me and wifey can go for days." Rachael says as she plops down on her bed.

"We believe you, so please don't feel the need to try and prove it." Madison quips as she takes a seat on her bed.

"So if you two haven't been in here having sex all day, then what were you doing?" Stacy as as she takes a seat down on the bed next to Rachael who is staring at us expectantly.

I swear my friends minds are permanently trapped in the gutter.

"We were talking." Spencer speaks up, walking to her dresser to grab her bathroom things. "Ashley won't even go to second base." She adds with a smirk, causing my friends to laugh.

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