Are You My Father?

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Ashley's POV

"I want you to call me if you need me for anything. I'm not kidding Ashley." Spencer tells me.

"Okay." I say nodding. "I promise I will." I assure her.

"Kay good. Aiden is waiting in the parking lot by the Junior/Senior lounge door." She tells me.

"Okay." I say, kissing her one quick time and taking off towards the lounge. When I got outside Aiden was ready with the car running.

"So where are we going?" He asks when I get in the car.

"To um... Woody's Diner in Russell's Point." I tell him.

"Yeah, I know the place." He says nodding.

"I'm sorry that I got you involved in all this Aiden. I really could have gone on my own." I tell him as we pull out of the parking lot.

"None sense." He says waving me off. "You're Spencer's girlfriend, and Spencer's my sister, therefore you're like... my sister in law." He says looking at me smiling. "So I gotta look out for you. Plus, I'd take any excuse I can to miss school. With Spencer gone it's not really all that fun anymore." He assures me.

"Yeah, Spencer can have that type of affect on a place." I agree. He nods and we ride the rest of the way to the diner in silence.

"You sure you don't want me to come in?" Aiden asks as we pull into a parking spot at the diner.

"No." I shake my head. "I think this is something I need to do on my own." I tell him.

"Okay. But I'm right out here if you need me." He says turning off the car.

"Okay." I nod. "I shouldn't be long."

"Take your time." He tells me smiling. I unbuckle my seat beat and get out of the car. I make my way into the diner, looking around for the guy I saw in the newspaper. It wasn't the best picture of him but I'm sure I can make him out if I see him. I search all around but I don't see anyone that resembles the guy from the photo. I take my phone out to look at the time and realize I'm fifteen minutes early. It took a little less than an hour to get here. Aiden drives pretty fast.

I take a seat in the booth Spencer and I sat in when we came here. Which is also the booth my mom and I used to sit in.

"Oh hey there." A waitress walks up to me and says.

"Hey." I smile. I remember her from when Spencer and I came here. "You remember me?" I ask, a little skeptical at how a woman who probably sees over two hundred people a day could remember little ol' me who hasn't been in here in weeks.

"I never forget a face." She says with a smile. "You were here with that blonde cutie." She says pointing to the seat Spencer sat in when we were here.

"Yeah." I nod and smile.

"So what can I get you sweetie?" She asks taking out her pen and order pad.

"Um, if it's okay... well, I'm kinda waiting on my dad. Would it be alright if I ordered when he got here?" I asks and she nods.

"Of course sweetie. Just give me a holler when you're ready." She says putting her pen and pad away. When she leaves my table I notice a man walk through the door, looking around as though he's looking for someone.

He glances in my direction and catches my eyes. He looks like the guy in the paper. He makes his way over to me and sits down.

"Hello." He says with a smile.

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