My Savior

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It's been a week since I got the job helping Mr. Forte on the morning shift, only a week and I've already saved up enough money to pay back Aiden and do something nice for Ashley. I don't see why Stacy quit this job freshman year. It's so easy and he pays so well. I don't see why any one wouldn't want to work for Mr. Forte.

"Spencer you won't believe what Ms. Heevy just told me." Ashley says, bursting in our room. Rachael and I are on the couch in front of the T.V, Stacy should be on her way home from work and Madison went out with Aiden—but they should be getting back soon.

"What baby?" I ask just as enthusiastically as she'd been when she came in. Whatever Ms. Heevy told her, must have been really good.

"She said that I can stop my janitorial duties, today is my last day!" She exclaims running over to me. I don't think I've ever seen Ashley this happy about something.

"Neither have I." Rachael mumbles under her breathe. Wait, did I say that last part out loud?

"That's so great baby." I tell her as she pulls me into a hug.

"Now we can have all day to hang out until school starts back." She says kissing my lips sweetly.

"I think we should celebrate your new found freedom." I suggest and she nods enthusiastically.

"What'd you have in mind?" She asks smiling.

"How about you rest and watch some T.V with Rachael and I'll text you when I want you to meet me downstairs okay?" I tell her and she just nods, plopping down on the couch next to Rachael. I know she spent the whole morning cleaning up the underclassmen restrooms and if those girls are half as dirty as they are in the dining hall then I know Ashley had a lot to clean up.

I leave the room and make my way down the steps to the kitchen where Mr. Forte and two other cooks are preparing lunch. Mr. Forte looks up from cutting and says, "What cha doin' back here child? Didn't I let ya off a while ago?"

"Um yes sir but I was just wondering-"

"I don't got no room on this here lunch shift if it's another job you're after." He cuts me off.

"Oh no sir, that's not it." I tell him shaking my head. I make my way over to him. "It's actually about um... well... I was um..."

"Well spit it out child." He tells me putting the knife down on the cutting board and looking at me.

"I was kinda wondering if I could ask a favor of you." I finally spit out and I see the side of his lip twitch before he picks the knife back up and resumes cutting some carrots.

"You ain't been 'ere a week." He pauses and shakes his head with a small smile on his face. "You ain't been 'ere a week and you already asking for favors, Ms. Carlin?"

"Yeah, I guess I kinda am sir." I respond timidly. He puts down the knife again, not looking at me. I can see the smile still playing at his lips.

"You guess." He mumbles under his breath, picking the knife back up and cutting more carrots. I don't know if that's my cue to ask him the favor so I don't, I just stand and stare at him—waiting for him to say go on. "Well speak it child." He says suddenly.

"Oh." I blurt out. "Well, I was trying to do something nice for my girlfriend-"

"Ashley Davies?" He asks, cutting me off glancing at me.

"Yes sir." I nod my head.

"Go on." He goes back to cutting.

"Well, I wanted to do something nice for her and I was thinking of giving her a picnic. But it's kind of a last minute thing and my friend Stacy isn't here with her car so I have no way of going to the market and getting all the things I need so I was wondering if I could possibly... maybe...make us a picnic from some things here in the kitchen. I would totally pay for whatever I use, and you wouldn't have to-"

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