All At Once

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Ashley's POV

"I'm so happy today is Friday." I whisper in Spencer's ear as Mrs. Spalding goes on and on about something dealing with eighteenth century literature.

"And why is that?" Spencer asks, just as softly.

"Because tomorrow I get to wake up and still have you lying next to me." I smile at her as her cheeks flush red. I shrug and turn back around in my seat just as Mrs. Spalding calls my name.

"Was there something you and Ms. Carlin would like to share with the class, Ashley?" She looks up from her book and asks.

"Oh, I was just telling Spencer that I loved her." I say without hesitation, getting a laugh from the class.

Mrs. Spalding clears her throat before saying, "Well, if you don't mind Ms. Davies could we focus on literature now and love later?" She asks quirking a brow with a smile.

"No problem, Mrs. Spalding." I reply, smiling. I grab my notebook and rip out a piece of paper and write a note to Spencer.

'I can't seem to stay out of trouble when it comes to you. :)' I write and toss it to her.

'You started it.' I read, when she tosses it back.

'Well how does anyone expect me to function in a class with a hot blonde named Spencer in it?' I write back, tossing it to her with a smile. She stifles a laugh when she reads it and quickly writes something down before tossing it back.

'We're gonna fail all our classes if we don't pay attention.' I read when she tosses it back. I go to write again when I hear someone clear their throat above me.

"Ahem." I look up and see Mrs. Spalding standing over me with her hand out expectantly. "The note, Ms. Davies." She says looking down at me.

"Um..." I say glancing over at Spencer who looks thoroughly embarrassed, then up and Madison and Stacy who are trying to hide their smiles. I pick the note up reluctantly and hand it to her. She wastes no time reading it.

"I believe Ms. Carlin has the right idea." She says folding the note up. "No more note passing in my class or you'll both be repeating 11th grade English next year. Understood?" She asks as she reaches her desk, tossing the note in the trash, and turning around to get our responses.

"Yes Mrs. Spalding." Spencer and I answer in unison. I never got in this much trouble on the first week of school when Sarah and I were together. I glance over at Spencer, giving her an apologetic look and she just moths an 'It's okay,' with a smile.

After class we all headed up to our room.

"Ashley and Spencer got in trouble again today." Stacy gives Rachael the play by play of her day. They've made a habit of this everyday. If they don't go off somewhere to have sex they come back to the room and tell each other every single detail of their days. It's becoming quite annoying, although I guess I should be used to it by now.

"Spencer don't let Ashley corrupt you. She doesn't mind failing classes." Rachael says from her spot on her bed. Stacy cuddled close to her.

"Oh can it, Black! You barely passed last year cause you and Stacy didn't know how to not have sex during school hours." I say faking a smile as Spencer cuddles closer to me on her bed.

"Haha, that's so true!" Madison joins in from her bed. "Maybe if you had of failed last year, you and Stacy could be in the same grade and you wouldn't have to miss her so much." Madison jokes as she flips open her phone to send another text.

"Damn she's right baby." Rachael says seriously, looking down at Stacy. "Why didn't I think of that?" She asks and we all giggle at her.

"Don't be crazy Rachael." Stacy shakes her head at her girlfriend.

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