It's So Hard To Say Goodbye Pt. 2

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Ashley's POV

I remember seeing her for the first time. Like really seeing her. I knew that we would end up together that's why I was fighting it so hard. I didn't want to give up on Sarah. I wanted to believe that she would come back, that everything would go back to the way it was. But it didn't and I fell for her. I beyond fell for her. She became a part of me. My heart, mind, soul and body belongs to her. It's never an easy thing to lose someone you love. Where is the actual 'good' in goodbye?

"Stop the car." I say suddenly.

"What?" Raife asks, pulling his phone down from his ear and putting his hand over the receiver.

"I said, stop the car!" I say a little louder so the limo driver can hear me but he keeps driving anyways.

"Ashley what's going on?" Raife asks. "Did you leave something?" Yeah, my life.

"Please stop the car." I plead quietly and he finally instructs the limo driver to pull over.

"Ashley what is this? We haven't even made it to the highway yet."

"I'm not leaving her behind." I say, realizing that there are a lot of her's I could be speaking of. "I'm not leaving Kyla." I clarify. Although Spencer is filling my thoughts, I need him to know that Kyla is my family and I can't just leave her.

"Ashley I-"

"I don't care!" I blurt out. "I swear that if we don't turn around right now that I'm gonna run away the minute we get out of this car." I tell him and he smiles and shakes his head. "Why are you smiling? This isn't a joke." I say sternly.

"Mr. Parish would you like to do the honors?" Raife turns and asks Mr. Parish.

"What?" I ask, turning to look at him. "What is it?" I ask growing impatient.

"Well," He starts, adjusting his suit jacket. "Your father was going to surprise you and fly her out once we got to Los Angeles, but he figured we wouldn't make it to the airport." He says and opens up his briefcase to grab some papers out.

"What's this?" I ask as he hands me the papers.

"They're adoption papers." He says with a smile.

"Huh?" I ask a bit confused.

"I'm going to adopt Kyla." Raife clarifies for me. My eyes bulge and I open and close my mouth searching for the right words to say but I can't find any. "I knew that you wouldn't leave her behind Ashley and I never expected you to. The moment you told me about her I already had Joe here draw up the papers. I wouldn't do that to you Ashley. I'm your father and I would never want to see you hurting." He tells me and I can't help but smile a bit.

"I don't know what to say." I admit honestly.

"It's okay. We can turn around and go get her now if you want." He tells me.

"Please." I nod.

"No problem. Andrew, please turn around and head back to the Heart House." He tells the driver.

"What about the rest of my friends?" I ask quietly. I know that I'm probably asking a lot but they're just as much my family as Kyla.

"Ashley I don't think I can pull that off, I mean it's-" Raife starts but I cut him off.

"I know that I'm asking a lot and I know that you didn't have to take Kyla in but you are. But you have to understand that I've known them almost my entire life. Whenever something major happened in my life they were there for me. I don't want to go off and live this life you have set up for me, without them. I won't ask you for anything else, I just... I want to be with my family. I want to live this happy life with them." I finish, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

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