New Promises

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Now that Ashley and I are a couple I can't seem to keep my hands off of her. And no I don't mean in the Stacy and Rachael kinda way cause that hasn't happened yet... what I mean is that I can't stop kissing her or holding her hand, or running my fingers over any exposed skin. If you were with someone as beautiful as Ashley, you'd feel the same way.

Trust me...

"Ashley I have to leave now." I whisper in her ear. We're laying in my bed, it's 6:45am, and I want to go down and talk to Mr. Forte before the breakfast shift starts—about getting a job.

"Just five more minutes." She whines, snuggling her head into my neck.

"I need to go now before he starts cooking." I smile at her cuteness. It's been two days since we made our relationship 'official' and they've been two of the best days of my life. I don't think I've ever been happier.

"What do you need this job for anyway Spence? I have some money saved up from my job last summer. You don't have to work." She tells me sweetly and I can't help but smile wider.

"That's sweet Ashley, but I want to work." I emphasize to her and she whines but releases me.

"Fine." She drawls out, sitting up. "But I'm not pleased about it." She pouts and I sit up and kiss it away. "No fair." She whispers into my lips. "You can't use your kisses to make me be in a better mood. It's cheating." She says.

I shake my head. "No it's not. It's clever." I tell her, grabbing both sides of her face—kissing her again. She wraps both her arms around my neck and lets her fingers get lost in my hair. I let out a small moan and she smiles into my lips. "I gotta go." I say pulling back. As much as I would love to stay and make out with her all morning, I really do need to go.

"Mkay." She says, but grabs hold of my arm and pulls me back into a kiss. I can't help the moan that escapes my lips and how loud it is.

"Oh my God, just get the fuck out already. I'm trying to sleep" Madison says from her bed. Ashley and I giggle then pull apart.

"I'll see you at breakfast." Ashley says then pecks my lips.

"Kay." I reply finally getting up from my bed without any protest.

"Later, Spencey. I hear Rachael and Stacy coo from Rachael's bed. Was everyone awake listening to me and Ashley?

I giggle and tell them a goodbye before I make my way out of the room and down the stairs to the dining hall. When I get into the dining hall I make my way into the kitchen to find Mr. Forte already starting to prep for breakfast. He's an older guy. Probably in his mid to late fifties, gray hair with a bunch of dark age spots around his eyes. His back is a little hunched over from years of gravity pushing down on his spine.

He looks up and see's me but doesn't stop rolling out dough. "Can I help you?" He asks throwing some flour onto the dough and smoothing it out with a rolling pin.

"Um...yeah. My name is Spencer and um... I was just wondering if I could possibly get a job working the breakfast shift with you..." I say timidly. Knowing that if he said no my plans for doing something special for Ashley before school starts back in two weeks—would be ruined.

"Come 'ere." He says, still not looking up from what he was doing. I slowly make my way over to him. "Lemmy see ya hands." He says in some kind of southern accent. I hold out my hands for him to see, not sure of what my hands could possibly tell him. "You've ne'er worked a day in your life have ya child?" He asks and I shake my head. "It's not easy. Most people come and try to work for me 'cause they think it's easy... we'll it ain't." He tells me and I nod.

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