Raife Davies

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Ashley's POV

Ever since yesterday I haven't been able to get what Rachael told me off my mind. What if this Raife Davies guys is me and Kyla's dad? What would that mean exactly? Would he want us? Would he even care that he had two children who've been in the system almost their whole lives.

Obviously not, I guess... cause if he did then where is he?

"Ashley you're not still thinking about what Rachael told you yesterday are you?" Madison asks me from across the lunch table. How could I not?

I shrug and go back to eating my food.

"I'm sure that it's all just a coincidence." Stacy speaks up. "There's no way if this guy knew he had two daughters and he had that much money that he'd let you stay in a place like this." Stacy tries to ensure me.

"Yeah baby. I'm sure that it's nothing." Spencer whispers in my ear.

"But what if it isn't?" I Spencer softly. "What if this guy really is our dad?"

"I don't know." Spencer says shaking her head and shrugging. That's the problem, no one can tell me anything for sure.

"I'm gonna meet you guys in class." I tell them, getting up from the table and dumping my tray. I make my way out of the dining hall and upstairs to the library. I'm gonna see what I can find out about this Raife Davies guy. After searching for almost half an hour I realize I let the time slip by me and I'm late for Math. I print out all the information I found on Raife and make my way downstairs to class.

I realize there's a number on the paper to an office so I dial it. Not really sure of what I'll even say if someone answers.

"Hello, Raife Davies office." A woman answers. Shit. What do I say?

"Um..." I start. I guess the truth is always good. "Is it possible for me to speak to Mr. Davies?" I ask the woman who I think chuckles under her breath.

"Mr. Davies is in a meeting, may I take a message?" She asks and I can hear her riffling through a drawer.

"Um..." I pause to think of what to say. "Could you tell Mr. Davies that Ashley Davies called and um... I think he knew my mother and she passed away so um... if he could call me that would be great." I say and give the woman my number so that I can be reach if he actually does decide to call, which I doubt he will anyways.

"Okay, I sure will." The woman says cheerily then hangs up. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and make my way into class and everyone turns around and looks at me when I enter.

"So nice of you to join us Ms. Davies." Mrs. Spalding says when I take my seat in the back of the class.

"Um... sorry Mrs. Spalding, I was just in the library during lunch and I lost track of time." I tell her. She nods once before turning back around and continuing her lesson. I glance over at Spencer who mouths an 'Am I okay?' I nod and smile. We both turn around to pay attention, but all I can think about is how there's a possibility that I could finally know who my dad is.

"So you just called and told him that you were his daughter?" Spencer asks as we make our way up to the room. Everyone else already went ahead of us. I told Spencer that I needed to talk to her so we both lingered behind.

"Not exactly." I shake my head. "His secretary picked up and I told her that I think he knew my mom and that she died. So..." I finish with a shrug.

"So you lied?" Spencer asks smiling.

"No." I say dragging out the word. "I didn't technically lie. My mom is dead and I do think he knew her. But yeah I guess that wasn't the reason I was calling."

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