A Tour

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I wake up the next morning to find everyone except Stacy, already gone.

"They all went down to breakfast." She tells me hoping off the top bunk. "There's an hour left. You should get dressed and I'll walk down with you." I nod my head as she leaves the room to allow me to get changed. I change into some clothes then grab my bathroom stuff to go and brush my teeth. After doing that I make my way back to the room where Stacy is sitting on my bed waiting for me. "Do you always take this long to get dressed in the mornings?" She asks with a smile.

"I got lost." I tell her, returning the smile as put my things on the dresser.

"Ready?" She asks, quirking a brow.

"Mhm." I say and we both make our way down to the dining hall.

"I can give you a tour later if you want." She says as we enter the dining hall, full of girls talking and eating their breakfast.

"Yeah, that would be great." I tell her.

"Cool. I'm gonna go sit down over there." She says pointing to a table in the back of the dining hall, where our other roommates and Kyla all sit. "You're welcome to join us once you get your food."

"Okay." I say simply as she walks towards the table. After getting in line to get my food, I make my way over to the table all my roommates are at.

"Hey Spencer!" Kyla says enthusiastically as I take a seat.

"Hey Kyla." I reply with a chuckle. Everyone else says a quick hey before returning to their food. I do the same.

"So, Spencer." Rachael says after a while. I lift my head up from my food to meet her eyes.

"Hmm?" I ask with a mouth full of food.

"You gay?" She says casually and I nearly spit out my food.

"Rach!" Everyone at the table—except Ashley turns to her and says.

"What?" She asks defensively. "I'm just asking the girl a question."

"You've barely known her a day and these are the types of questions you wanna ask?" Madison says to her friend.

"Oh don't pretend like it hasn't been on all your minds." Rachael says before stuffing a fork full of pancakes into her mouth. I'm just sitting here, not saying a word. Looking back between all my roommates and Kyla. They're all staring, I guess waiting for an answer.

"Well I mean, if you don't mind sharing Spencer, we won't judge." Madison says suddenly, giving me and inquisitive look along with the rest of the girls at the table—again except Ashley. She looks completely disinterested.

"Um..." I say then glance around the table at everyone's waiting faces. "I've only ever been in one relationship." I pause and clear my throat. "She was a girl." I say getting mixed responses. Madison just nods. Ashley continues to give her full attention to her phone.

"I knew it!" Rachael and Stacy both blurt out. I'm not sure what they could possibly have known since I've only been here for less than a day.

"And that's totally okay with us, considering more than half this table is gay." Kyla says before going back to her food.

"Kyla!" Madison scolds her.

"What?" Kyla says in a high pitch voice. "You guys can know her business but she can't know yours?"

Madison shakes her head and laughs, "I don't care if she knows my business. I'm not the one that plays for the other team." She says before getting up from the table.

"Neither am I." Kyla mumbles, following behind Madison. Ashley wordlessly gets up and dumps her tray before exiting the dining hall.

"I get the feeling she doesn't like me too much." I say to Stacy and Rachael as we all get up to dump our trays.

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