Good To Know

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I would have never imagined finding a family in a place like this. People that I can truly depend on. People that I haven't even known for that long, who above anything would always have my back.

That's what I've found in my roommates here at the Heart House. And I am beyond grateful for them.

Yesterday, after finding out the news that I had to stay here, I was completely down. But having my roommates around, to pick me up was so unexpected and so appreciated. Kyla was ecstatic when Madison and I went down to her room and told her the news. Of course we had to wait a good twenty minutes for Stacy and Rachael to join us. We all giggled as they entered the room looking flushed and satisfied. Ashley's response to the news was hard to gauge. I couldn't tell if she was happy, mad, sad, or just down right didn't care. When we told them Kyla and Ashley shared a look and Ashley's face become indecipherable.

Maybe we're not as good as I thought we were becoming.

After leaving Kyla's room we all went to dinner, showered, then went to bed. Stacy and Rachael had yet another sex marathon, but I didn't expect anything less. I guess I'm becoming used to the sounds of them having sex. I kinda just tune them out now. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one.

"We're gonna go shower. We'll meet you guys at breakfast." Stacy tells us as Rachael pulls her out the door.

Madison shakes her head at the pair as the exit the room. "Seriously, I'm so sick of how cute those two are." She says getting up from her bed. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth." She adds, grabbing her bathroom stuff off her dresser and hurriedly making her way out of the room.

Ashley and I share a look before we both look away quickly. She hops down off her bed and grabs her bathroom stuff before exiting quickly. I wait a few moments before I do the same.

"We're going to the movies today after I get off work so don't go missing bitches." Stacy tells the table.

"Baby you know Ky and Ash had their privileges revoked." Rachael speaks up.

"Oh yeah." Stacy slaps the palm of her hand against her forehead. "I forgot." She thinks for a moment then says, "We could do board games tonight if you guys want?" She offers as a option.

"Nah." Ashley says poking at her food. "It's cool, you guys should just go and have fun. Don't let Kyla and I stop you."

"Well, I'm down for anything." Madison chimes in.

"Me too." I agree. I would love to get away from this place for a few hours with friends, but if everyone isn't going—meaning Ashley—it just wouldn't feel complete.

"It's really no problem." Stacy shakes her head. "I don't want you and Ky here bored all night." She adds.

Ashley stands up with her tray in hand. "It's really okay. I was gonna catch up on my janitorial duties tonight anyways. Those bathrooms aren't gonna clean themselves." She smiles before walking and tossing her tray out. "I'll catch you guys later." She says walking past us out the dining hall.

"What's up with her, Ky?" Madison turns and asks Kyla. Kyla glances at me before shrugging.

"I don't know." She mumbles out then mimics her sisters actions.

"I swear, those two get weirder every day." Rachael shakes her head.

"Did you talk to Ashley yet, Mads?" Stacy asks before shoveling a fork full of pancakes into her mouth.

"No, not yet. I was gonna do it yesterday but she was with Ky all day. Then that thing with Spencer happened so..." She trails off.

"Could you do it today?" Stacy asks.

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