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"Is everything okay?" I ask Ashley as she comes back into the room with a small smile on her face.

"I don't think it could be anymore perfect." She whispers to me before kissing my lips.

"Okay." I say a bit confused. How are things perfect when Madison is saying that she doesn't want to leave Aiden behind and Stacy won't go without Madison and Rachael isn't leaving without Stacy.

"Madison." Ashley says getting Madison's attention from her bed.

"What Ash?" Madison says looking over at us. "I'm not going without Aiden so you can just drop it." Madison says then goes back to texting on her phone.

"But I have something that might change your mind." Ashley tells her, but Madison looks uninterested. "Madison please, just hear me out." Ashley tries.

"How would you feel if you were asked to leave Spencer behind. Actually, you already know how it feels. So how can you sit there and ask me to leave him? I can't do it." Madison shakes her head.

"That's the thing." Ashley starts, getting up and going to sit down next to Madison on her bed. "You're right, I know how it feels to be asked to leave the people you love behind and it sucks, but I love you like a sister Madison. I've known you more than half my life. All of you." Ashley says looking at Rachael and Stacy. "I would never leave you guys behind. So..." Ashley starts, with a smile on her face. "I figured out a way for us to stay together and for you to stay with Aiden." Ashley says and Madison head shoots up.

"What do you mean?" Madison asks, a bit confused. As I'm sure the rest of us are too.

"I talked to my dad." Ashley says and comes back to my side. "I asked him if there was anyway he could help you and Aiden out, and he said yes." Ashley says with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Madison asks.

"Well, Spence said that Aiden was going to UCLA after he graduates so I asked my dad if he could help you two stay close until then." Ashley says.

"Stop being so damn cryptic and just spit it out Davies." Madison snaps lightly.

Ashley smiles before answering. "He's gonna fly Aiden out to California every other weekend." Ashley finally concludes, looking proud of herself. "And." She says and turns to me. "He's gonna fly you and Madison here on the weekends that Aiden doesn't come, so you can see your family." Ashley says and I can't help but smile.

"That's gonna be mad money for airfare." Rachael says suddenly.

"Baby I'm sure he probably has like a private jet or something." Stacy tells her girlfriend.

"Ooooh." Rachael nods. "That makes more sense."

"Wow." I say. I can't believe Raife is doing all this for us... people that he barely even knows. People that are of no relation to him. "I don't know what to say. Your dad is..."

"Amazing." Ashley cuts me off.

"So you're gonna come now right Mads?" Stacy asks.

"I wanna talk to Aiden about it." Madison says timidly, like she's still unsure. I know her and Aiden haven't been together that long but Aiden's an easy guy to love. I can see why it would be difficult to leave him.

"That's a good idea." I point out. "Could we go see them. I mean, I know it's late but since we don't have school tomorrow and all..." I trail off with a smile.

"Aiden says everyone's up." Madison tells us, waving her phone for emphasis.

"If that's what you want." Ashley nods.

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