As Good As It Gets

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Spencer's POV

"Good morning." Ashley says to me as my eyes flutter open.

"Mmm-morning." I say with a smile. "What time is it?" I ask snuggling closer to her. After all of our late night activities, we didn't get to bed until around three in the morning.

"It's after seven." She tells me.

"Why are we up so early?" I whine out. Pulling her impossibly closer to me. All I wanna do is lay in bed and cuddle until Ashley's dad comes to pick us up.

"We have stuff to do before Raife gets here at noon." She says with a smile.

"What kind of stuff?" I ask sitting up, realizing all of our roommates are already gone.

"Stuff stuff." She says smiling wider. "Now get up and get dressed, I'll be waiting downstairs for you." She tells me getting up from the bed.

"Ashley, what is stuff stuff?" I ask trying to pull her back into bed.

"Just... stuff." She says with a shrug and a smirk on her face.

"Ashley." I drag out her name as she makes her way towards the door.

"Just get dressed Spencer." She says with a smile. "I'll be downstairs waiting." She adds as she leaves the room. I can't help but smile as I get out of bed, grabbing my things off the dresser and head to the bathroom to freshen up. After freshening up, I drop my stuff back off in the room and I head downstairs to find Ashley at the bottom of the stairs waiting on me.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I reach her at the bottom.

"Waiting on you." She says with a smile, then holds her hand out for me to take.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I take her hand and she begins to lead me somewhere.

"To breakfast." She says and I can hear the smile in her voice. She leads me into the dinning room.

"Oh. My. God." I say as we enter it.

"You like it?" She turns and asks me.

"How did you... when... what..."

"This morning, while you were being a sleepy head, I had a conversation with Mr. Forte and our friends and they helped me put all this together." She finishes with a smile. "I had to promise Mr. Forte I'd recommend someone for your job." She adds.

"Ashley I... I don't know what to say." I admit honestly. No one has ever really gone out of their way to do something this amazing for me.

"You don't have to say anything. Just please tell me you're hungry." She smiles that beautiful, contagious smile and I can't help but smile along with her. "Come on." She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the feast. You're probably confused so let me paint the picture for you.

When you first walk into the dinning hall there's a trail of rose pedals that lead to one table that's in the middle of the dinning hall and has rose pedals and candles set up on it. Directly behind that table are three tables covered in all my favorite foods and orange juice. Stacy, Madison and Rachael are all dressed in white and have aprons on, so I'm assuming they're our servers. Rachael is standing at the table in the middle of the dinning hall, while Stacy and Madison are positioned on both sides of the tables with food.

"This is beautiful." I whisper to Ashley as we make our way to our table."

"Much like you." Ashley turns to me with a serious look on her face. "I love you." She mouths as we reach our table. I smile before mouthing it back.

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