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Ashley's POV

As I make my way down to Kyla's room, I keep trying to come up with things to say. Things that might lessen the blow a bit. Anything that could make this situation a little less painful. But I can't think of anything. All I know is that I have to tell my little sister, not only that I'm leaving her, but that all these years the man who she thought was her father in fact isn't.

"Knock, knock. You got a second?" I ask peeking through Kyla's door. She's on her bed doing homework. She's always been studious. Well, when she's not skipping class that is.

"Yeah, sure." She says with a smile, sitting up.

"Where's your roommate?" I ask as I glance over at Jennifer's bed and see she's not in it. Come to think of it, when is she ever in her room?

"I don't know." Kyla shrugs.

"Oh." Is all I say as I take a seat on Kyla's bed.

"So what's up?" Kyla asks and I rack my brain on where and how exactly to start this.

"Um..." I say.

"Ash." She says, dragging out my name. "What is it crazy? Did you get in trouble or something cause Spencer told me that you went somewhere with Ms. Heevy today but when I asked where she said to talk to you about it."

"Ky, um..." I trail off, looking at her smiling face. Thinking of how it's going to change in a matter of seconds.

"Ash what is it? You're scaring me. Did something happen? Something bad?" Yeah, something really bad happened. Rachael learned how to read and led me to the guy who only fathered me and now that guy wants to take me away from here.

"Do you remember that time when the Sterling's wanted to adopt me?" I ask and she gives me a confused look before her face breaks out into a small smile.

"Yeah, but you told them that you weren't leaving without me and that you didn't give a shit what they thought about it." She says laughing at the memory. "Ms. Heevy was so mad that you'd done that. She said she didn't understand why someone would want to stay in foster home and you told her that you had all the family you needed right here."

"Yeah." I say giggling at little.

"But then she gave you on janitorial duty for a week for your language." She says and chuckles. "Wait why are we..." She trails off and looks up at me. "You're getting adopted aren't you? That's why you were gone all day with Ms. Heevy isn't it?" She says jumping up from the bed.

"Kyla please just listen..." I try and explain the situation to her.

"You promised Ash." She says cutting me off.

"I know, but the circumstances are different now. I don't have a choice Ky. You know that I would never leave you voluntarily." I tell her, joining her on my feet.

"You don't have a choice? How could you not have a choice Ashley?" She asks confused.

"Sit down Ky please." I tell her, trying to sit her back down on the bed.

"I don't want to sit down, I wanna know why you wanna leave me. Did I do something wrong?" She asks sadly.

"No!" I say firmly. "You didn't do anything Ky. You're my little sister, you know that I wouldn't care if you did anyways. This has nothing to do with you. This is my fault. I should of just left it alone." I say softly, taking a seat back on the bed.

"Left what a alone?" She asks scrunching her eyebrows. I remain silent for a moment, thinking about my next words carefully. "Ash what is it?" She asks sitting down on the bed next to me.

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