The Date

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It's amazing how things change. Just a few days ago I was ready to leave here. Beyond ready, actually. Ashley was being cruel for no reason at all and I felt alone, although I was surrounded by people who say they care about me—which is more than I can say about some of the families I've lived with. Things are actually getting pretty good here.

Ashley is warming up to me everyday. After taking that walk a few nights ago we've been well, getting closer everyday.

Stacy and Rachael cease to amaze me in the amount of different sexual positions they seem to know. What? Can you blame me for sneaking a peek every know in then?

Madison is... well... Madison. Her and Aiden have been getting mighty close for the past few days. It's really quite cute. I think that they make an adorable couple.

"We're going to the movies today Spence, you coming?" Rachael asks me as she stuffs more pancakes in her mouth.

"Nah." I say looking up from my tray. "I think I'm gonna just stay here. You know... lounge around." I add and everyone at the table smacks their teeth in disbelief. "What?" I turn to Madison—who has been texting on her phone all morning, most likely to Aiden—and ask.

"Why do you and Ashley like to pretend there is nothing going on between the two of you?" She asks raising an eyebrow and I turn to the rest of my friends—Kyla included—who have the exact same look on their faces.

"Because there isn't anything going on." I tell them and they all roll their eyes. Ever since that walk Ashley and I took a few nights ago, everyone seems to think that something is going on between us. And I guess I'm adding fuel to their fire by helping Ashley almost every day this week with her clean-up duties. It's the only time I really get to talk to her—you know without all the interruptions aka our friends.

"Spence, seriously... when are you two gonna stop acting and just make out already?" That was Kyla.

I shake my head and smile at my friends as I stand up from the table. "You guys are all crazy." I turn and go dump my tray.

"Just admit it Spence, you looooove her." Kyla yells at my back in a sing song voice. I place my tray on top of the trash and walk back over to the table.

"You guys are crazy." I tell them waving an accusatory finger around.

"It's Saturday, Spence. Come out with us." Stacy says in an almost begging tone. I shake my head. "We're even gonna sneak Ky out." She adds and Kyla head shoots up from her tray.

"Wait, what? Really?" She beams at Stacy who just smiles and nods her head. "Awesome." She half yells before jumping up quickly, dumping her tray and exiting the dining hall.

"You guys don't care about getting in trouble for taking Ky off campus?" I ask and they all shake their heads.

"Ms. Heevy's on vacation." Rachael speaks up. "The guy who replaced her is super cool. We already talked to him. Ashley could come to you know. That way you won't have to stay here." She says, holding back a smile.

"For the last time, Ashley is not the reason I don't wanna go." Madison looks up at me like she wants to say something but holds her tongue. "I'm gonna go upstairs and read a book. I'll see to you guys later."

"Later, Spencey." Madison, Rachael and Stacy all coo as I walk away from the table. I can't help but smile at them. I make my way upstairs to the library where I knew Ashley would be. She told me this morning that her duties included the library now and bathrooms tonight.

"Hey." I say as I approach her in the isle between bookcases.

"Hi." She replies with a smile.

"You want some help?" I asks as she places a book back on the shelf. "Wait, what exactly are you doing in here anyways?" No one ever uses the library so what could there possibly be to clean up?

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