Old Places, New Memories

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"Good morning, sleepyhead." I roll over and whisper in Ashley's ear as she stirs.

"Mm morning." She mumbles out.

"Did you want to go down to breakfast or did you wanna stay in bed until lunch again, like yesterday?" I tease with a smile, as she turns and faces me.

"I'm perfectly comfy in this bed with you." She smiles then kisses my lips.

"Everyone's already gone down. I think if we continue to stay in bed all day we're gonna make this a habit and miss all of our morning classes when school starts back tomorrow." I tell her as she cuddles closer to me, nuzzling her face into my neck.

"And I'm okay with that." She whispers and kisses my neck.

"We should get up." I tell her, trying to pull myself from her.

"Nooooo. Let's not get up." She whines, pulling me back into her.

"We have to get up. I have plans for us today." I finally tell her.

"What?" She asks sitting up.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere." I shrug. "No biggie." I say as she finally lets me go. "Now get up and get dressed lazy pants."

"I've been Ms. Heevy's slave for almost a month now. I so deserve to be lazy." She tells me with a smile as she gets out of bed. "I'm gonna go shower." She pauses and looks at me. "Did you-"

"I already showered when you were sleeping." I tell her smiling. Ashley and I showering together probably isn't the best idea yet anyways, I don't know if I'm ready to take it to that level with her yet. I know she's kinda made it clear that she isn't. She barely even touches me.

"Okay well, I'll meet you down at breakfast then." She says walking over to her dresser and grabbing her things.

"Okay." I nod and she leaves the room.

I make my way down to the dining hall, grab my breakfast and head over to our usual table.

"Hey guys." I greet my friends as I sit down.

"Hey, you and Ashley done making babies." Rachael quips, stifling a laugh.

"Ha ha." I fake a smile in her direction.

"Stacy you work today?" I ask before taking a bite of my apple.

"Nope. I'm off until next week actually. First week of school and all. Why what's up?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow your car for the day. I wanna take Ashley somewhere."

"Yeah, sure." She answers without hesitation. I never knew what it felt like to have real friends until I met these girls.

"Where are you taking her?" Madison looks up from her cell phone and asks.

"I'm not sure yet. Today was the whole reason I got the job with Mr. Forte but I hadn't thought the plan all the way through. Plus, I didn't expect him to pay me so much. Speaking of which, Stace, I can't for the life of me figure out why you quit that job freshman year, it's so easy." I tell her and her and Rachael share a look.

"She discovered morning sex." Madison answers for her, not looking up from her phone.

"Apparently it's the best kind." Kyla jokes.

"Tis true." Rachael says seriously before kissing Stacy and going back to her food. I shake my head and smile at my friends.

"You should take her to Sandy Beach Amusement Park." Kyla speaks up, not lifting her head up from her food.

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