Are We That Bad?

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"Spencer! Spencer, wake up!" I open my eyes to see Madison standing over me.

"Hmm..." I say, sleepily.

"I'm going down to breakfast, you wanna come?" She asks as I sit up and glance over at Rachael and Stacy—who are having sex. I quickly avert my gaze up to Ashley's bed to see she's already gone, then look back to Madison. "They've been going at it for about twenty minutes now so they should be done soon." I nod but don't dare look in their direction. "You coming?" She asks me again. I nod my head and get up from the bed.

"I'm just gonna go brush my teeth really quickly." I say grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste off my dresser.

"Okay, I'm gonna wait downstairs and um..." she pauses and looks back at her friends. "Let them finish." I whisper an 'okay.' As we make our way to the door I hear Stacy's moaning out that she's about to cum. Is it wrong to think that two of my friends having sex is hot?

Madison and I, part ways as she makes her way downstairs and I head to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I quietly sneak back into the room, being sure not to look in their direction. On my way out this time I hear Rachael saying she's about to cum. Wow, that was fast. They're probably gonna go shower and have sex again anyways.

After grabbing my tray I find Madison at our normal table. "How is it that they can wake up the next morning and have sex after having sex for most of the night last night?" I ask Madison as I take a seat across from her.

"They're a couple of horny teenagers. They're just making sure they live up to the stereo-type." She tells me with a shrug, taking a bite out of her muffin. I nod and focus my attention on my food.

"Hey bitches." Rachael says coming and sitting down next to me about ten minutes later.

"Good morning you guys." Stacy opts for the politer greeting.

I smile and wave, not wanting to talk with food in my mouth but Madison says, "Good morning in deed." With a smirk plastered on her face.

"As a matter-of-fact, Madison." Rachael starts, glancing at her girlfriend—kissing her cheek before continuing, "It is a good morning. I've came three times already." She fakes a smile at Madison who flips her off. I love the banter between them, it always makes me smile.

"Behave you two." Stacy says looking back and forth between them.

"She started it." Rachael mumbles. Madison just rolls her eyes and smiles, then goes back to eating her food.

"Have either of you seen Ashley?" Stacy asks, suddenly.

"I haven't seen her since last night." Rachael informs her girlfriend.

"Me either." Madison agrees.

"Has she been extra weird lately to you guys?" Stacy asks Madison and Rachael. I just continue to eat my food—not knowing anything about the subject and all.

"Not really." Rachael says.

"No." Madison shakes her head.

"I don't know, I just feel like the whole Sarah thing is finally catching up to her." Stacy says and before I can't stop the words from leaving my lips I ask,

"Who's Sarah?" Everyone's face contorts in discomfort. It seems like a subject that no one really likes to talk about. I'm not sure why though.

"Um..." Rachael starts, getting a look from her girlfriend. "You probably should just ask Ash about this." Rachael tells me through a sigh.

"Yeah, Spence. It's a pretty touchy subject." Madison adds.

"Yeah, sure." I say nodding my head. "It's just that, I've seen Ashley crying and I was wondering if it was about this Sarah girl." I say and gets looks of disbelief from everyone at the table.

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