A Decision

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Ashley's POV

"Sarah?" I breathe out—questioning. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.

"Hello Ashley." She replies in that too familiar voice.

This isn't happening, I shake my head and think turning to Spencer who's facial expression right now is saying every thing but at the same time telling me nothing.

"You... you're here." I state the obvious. But honestly, I don't know what else to say. It's like, I'm in a dream, I don't know if it's a good one or a bad one, but I can't wake up.

"Yeah, I am." She tells me with a smile. She walks over to me and hugs me and it's like all the air just went out in the room. "I've missed you." She whispers in my ear and from my peripheral vision I see Spencer back away from us. I'm too in shock to say anything. Hell, I'm too in shock to even move. "I've missed you too, Sarah." She says mimicking my voice. I guess I was supposed to say that huh? "You did miss me right?" She asks, her tone becoming less happier.

What do I say? Do I tell the truth. Of course I missed her. I mean, how could I not. But Spencer's standing right here. And she already looks like someone has punched a hole through her chest. I know that she's been really supportive and everything but now that Sarah's here, and things are real... I'm not so sure Spencer feels the same way she did a couple of weeks ago.

"Sare I..." Out the corner of my eye I see Spencer flinch at the us of Sarah's nickname. It's a force of habit.

"What is it, Ash?" Sarah asks me smiling. "I mean, what? You have another girlfriend or something?" She asks again, chuckling. The room grew even more quiet. Like you could hear a pin drop and then bounce up and hit the floor again. I guess she didn't see Spencer and I holding hands when we walked in. I go to say yes, to scream it actually. I've moved on Sarah. You never once texted me or call me so yes, I've moved on. Meet my girlfriend Spencer. Like Spencer had done earlier at the concert. But my mouth doesn't move. My brain stops working.

I guess this upset Spencer because the next thing I know she's running out of the room and I'm still too in shock to chase after her.

"I've got her." I hear Stacy say behind me. But it should be me chasing after her. It should be me going to tell her that everything will be okay. That I'll take care of this and that she has nothing to worry about.

"That's your girlfriend isn't it?" Sarah asks in a low voice, barely above a whisper. Scream yes Ashley. Tell her that you love Spencer. That she has no place in your life anymore. Just say it.

"Yeah." I whisper just as softly, nodding my head.

"Oh." Sarah says sadly, turning and walking towards what used to be her bed.

"We're gonna um... go." Rachael says behind me.

"Yeah." Madison agrees and I hear them shut the door behind themselves.

"She's really pretty." Sarah says as she reaches Spencer's dresser. Running her finger over a picture of me and Spencer when we went to Fox Island Beach Carnival. We took pictures in one of those little photo booths. It took about five strips for the pictures to actually turn out right. We both couldn't stop making funny faces.

I silently make my way over to her. Just watching as she looks around at the area that used to be hers.

"How long?" She asks suddenly. I knew what she was asking.

"A few weeks." I answer. She stops scanning the room and looks down at her hands, playing with her fingers. "You never called or texted me back, Sare. Why?" I question, moving an inch closer to her.

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