The Party

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"Can I go pretty please?" Kyla begs for the hundredth time. After eating dinner we all came back up to the room to get ready and Kyla hasn't stopped begging to go to the party since we got up here.

"No!" Everyone, except me—turns to her and yells.

"I promise not to be a pest. I won't even hang out with you guys. I know some people who are going. I can hang out with them." Kyla tries.

"It's not happening, Kyla. So you can stop asking." Ashley says putting eyeliner on.

"It's not faaaaair." Kyla whines, bouncing up and down on the bed. The whole scene is actually quite cute.

"Just let her go, Ash." Rachael speaks up. Ashley turns around from the mirror on her dresser and looks at her friend who shrugs and goes back to doing Stacy's hair.

"Fine." Ashley sighs and turns to her sister. "You have ten minutes to get ready." She tells her, turning back around to the mirror to finish applying her make up.

"Yes!" Kyla exclaims then jumps up and runs out of the room.

After we all finished getting dressed, Stacy offered to do my make-up and I must say she did a wonderful job. Madison let me borrow a pair of her jeans and Stacy gave me a shirt. They said my clothes made me look like a 16 year old and I asked what was wrong with that—seeing as though, I am 16. Turns out the party we're going to is going to be mostly Seniors which means 17 and 18 year old's. Then why is Kyla going again?

Everyone looks amazing. I didn't think people in foster homes had nice clothes, but turns out everyone of them have had jobs, so they could buy themselves these nice clothes.

We had to sneak downstairs as quietly as possible so we wouldn't get caught. Kyla met up with us and we left the building through a door in the basement.

"Who's car is this?" I ask as we approach a green Jeep Grand Cherokee in the parking lot.

"It's mine." Stacy says taking out her keys opening the door. "I bought it last year, I got it at a good price after saving for it for almost two years."

"It's nice." I say genuinely. I really admire Stacy. She seems like she's focused and knows what she wants and how to get it.

"Thank you, Spencer." She smiles at me. "Ash, you driving?" She turns and tosses the keys to Ashley, who just nods her head because even though Stacy said it in the form of a question Ashley knew she wasn't asking—her and Rachael were already climbing in the back.

Ashley is driving, Madison in the passenger seat, Kyla and I on the backseat, Stacy and Rachael decided to take the trunk. As we pull out of the parking lot I turn around and look over the seat at Stacy and Rachael—who are making out and groping each other like they haven't seen each other in months.

"Are they always like this?" I ask no one in particular.

"Yep." Madison answers. "The only reason they were civil your first night was because they said they wanted to be polite to guest and they didn't know if you were gay or not." She adds.

"So if I were straight would it have mattered?" I ask looking back at the couple, immediately wishing I didn't—because Stacy's shirt was off and her boobs were showing. Don't get me wrong, they're nice boobs, it's just... they're Rachael's property if you know what I mean and I don't like trespassing on other people's property. Especially when Rachael has clearly put a no trespassing sign up.

"Probably not." Kyla and Madison say at the same time.

"Oh." I say nodding.

The car ride to the party was fairly silent, besides the moaning and lip smacking noises that Stacy and Rachael were making in the back.

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