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Ashley's POV

"I'm glad you called." Sarah says to me as we take a seat in the booth. We decided to meet at a little diner we used to go to, Stacy was nice enough to let me see her car after making me promise that I wouldn't do anything stupid to hurt Spencer. I know that I've hurt Spencer enough for an entire year after the way I acted last night, I don't plan on ever hurting her again.

"We needed to have this talk." I tell her lightly. I know that her and adoptive parent's leave tonight. They were only here to sign some papers at the foster home.

"I know." She nods. "You're here for closure aren't you?" She asks, dropping her head. I guess she was expecting this talk.

"Yes." I nod.

"Do you remember when we came here two years ago?" She asks with a small smile. "Stacy and Rachael couldn't keep their hands off each other and we got thrown out before we could even finish our food." She chuckles a little. "They were practically having sex on the table while we all ate our food around them." She finishes, looking over in the direction of the booth we always sat at when we came here.

"Yeah, the best part about it was that the manager was so mad that he didn't even remember to make us pay for our food." I laugh a little.

"Yeah. We always seemed to get into trouble when we brought Stacy and Rachael anywhere with us." She says with a smile.

"Things are no different now. They still have sex like bunnies." I tell her. We both laugh a little before it grows quiet.

"We were good together. Don't you think?" She asks looking me straight in my eyes.

"We were." I agree, because before Sarah moved away I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. But I hadn't met Spencer. And now... now I know that Spencer is the person I'm supposed to grow old with.

"I've missed you so much, Ashley." She says and I go to speak... to remind her that I wasn't the one that left and then disappeared off the face of the earth, but she holds her hand up—stopping me. "I know that I shouldn't have ignored your calls and texts. I was so stupid to think that not talking to you would be the best thing for the both of us... but you promised me Ashley... you promised that you wouldn't-"

"I know." I cut her off. "And I had every intention of keeping that promise Sare. But you left... you left and you didn't call or text me once. It's been two months and yesterday was the first time I've heard from you. Do you know how that made me feel Sare. I wanted to die when you left, but I thought that if we talked everyday and if I could just hear your voice even though I knew you were a million miles away, it would make me feel better. It would make the pain go away just a little bit. But that never happened, cause you never picked up your phone once—not even to see how I was doing." I shake my head as I feel the tears building. "Spencer was there for me... in ways you can't even begin to imagine. So I'm sorry for breaking the promise I made to you. But I'm not sorry for falling in love with her. I'll never be sorry for that." I tell her.

"You're the one that made me go Ash. Are you forgetting that?" She asks, and I see her eyes watering.

"Because it was the best thing for you. I wanted you to have a chance at a family Sarah. You've been in the system since you were a baby. I wanted you to have a chance to know what it feels like to have a real family."

"You were my family Ashley. And you just... you pushed me away." She says as the tears fall.

"I didn't push you away Sare." I tell her grabbing her hand across the table. "God, I would have given anything to have had the courage to make you stay. To beg you to stay with me. To not go... but I couldn't do it. I couldn't be that selfish. Believe me, I wanted to... but I couldn't." I tell her as I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I release her hand and pull it out and see that it's Spencer texting.

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