A New Kind of Family

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"Would it be wrong to skip the first day of school?" I ask Ashley as we get ready for class. After working a morning shift down in the dining hall I'm pretty beat. I would love to just stay in bed all day.

"Yes! You can't skip the first day Spence. Plus Ms. Heevy would have a fit. Do you want to get on janitorial duty?" She asks walking closer to me.

"No. I guess not, but, ugh!" I pause as she pulls me into her arms. "Now I'm acting like you. I wanna just stay in bed all day and hold you." I whine.

"I know. Me too. But we have to go to class." She says and kisses my forehead. "Especially since it's the first week. Maybe we can think about skipping a day next week." She adds with a smile.

"I guess." I pout and she kisses it away.

"Come on." She says pulling me towards the door. We grab our bags and head down to our class.

"Is anyone else already over our first day?" Madison says as we enter the class.

"Seriously? It hasn't even started yet, Mads." Stacy says smiling. Ashley and I take the two seats behind them.

"I hate school." Madison says sulking in her seat.

"I hate being away from Rachael." Stacy says softly.

"I hate when you two are apart for long periods of time too! That means we're gonna have to deal with the 'make up for lost time' sex." Ashley says, shaking her head smiling.

"Ugh!" Madison grunts and a few seconds later the teacher walks into class.

"Let's everyone take their seats now." A man tells us. I'm assuming Mr. Johnson. "My name is Mr. Johnson and I will be your homeroom, History, Science and Math teacher, so you will be seeing a lot of me." All twenty six of us groan. "I know I know. I'd get tired of looking at my face that much too. But it is what it is so let's just make the best of it." He says and turns around to the board. "Okay so, since it's the first day and this is homeroom we only have about ten minutes before your next period. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves for the time being." He says then writes World History on the board.

"Are we gonna have him back to back to back?" I turn and ask Ashley.

"I wanna kiss you." She leans over and whispers to me.

"Ashley." I say biting the inside of my lip trying to hide my smile. I'm sure I'm blushing.

"What?" She asks innocently. "I'm just telling you whats on my mind." She says then smirks.

"You didn't answer my question." I tell her, trying to change the subject.

"We have homeroom, history, then music and Art with Mrs. Spalding, then back here for Math and Science, then English with Mrs. Spalding."

"Six classes." I whine as I sit back in my seat.

"Yup." She tells me nodding.

"We only had four a day at the school I went to last semester." I say pulling a notebook from my bag.

"Well you might have had less classes but your last school didn't include me did it?" She asks with a huge grin.

"You're absolutely right." I return the smile and lean forward to kiss her.

"Ms. Davies are we back to this again?" Mr. Johnson interrupts us, just as our lips touched. The whole class turns and looks at us. If I wasn't blushing before, I'm sure I am now.

Ashley clears her throat and turns around in her seat to face him. "No sir." She tells him, shaking her head. She gives me an apologetic look before reaching in her bag and pulling out a notebook.

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