Trust Issues

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"I don't know why I agreed to let her go..." I say as I throw myself on the bed.

"Because you're a great girlfriend and you trust her, Spence." Stacy tells me from her spot on the bed with Rachael.

"And plus this is Ashley we're talking about here." Madison adds in. "She's not going to cheat on you. She said last night that this was about closure, so I'm sure that's all this is."

"You trust her don't you?" Rachael asks.

"Yeah." In theory. "But, I don't trust Sarah. I saw how she was looking at Ashley last night. It didn't seem like she wanted to have a goodbye talk. It looked more like a sorry I've been M.I.A for the past two and a half months but I'm back now so lets get back together." I say in a pouting tone causing all my friends to laugh.

"Oh so you gathered all that just by looking at her." Rachael says, trying to control her laughter.

"Well, didn't you guys see it too?" I ask, realizing how ridiculous I must sound right now.

"Spence, Ashley has to be the most faithful girlfriend I've ever met in my life. She would never do anything to hurt you. I promise." Stacy assures me. I trust that Ashley is doing what she says she's doing with Sarah, but at the same time. I'm worried that she could still change her mind.

"Yeah Spence, you have nothing to worry about." Rachael agrees.

"Yeah. Okay. I'm just... I don't like the fact that Sarah can just waltz back here and practically demand Ashley's time." I agreed to let Ashley go for the simple fact that I know she would never move on and that we could never fully be happy if she didn't get this closure.

"She's just looking for closure, Spence. I'm sure you know how much she needs it." Madison tells me. And she's right. For the past month everything has always come back around to Sarah and it would be nice if my girlfriend could move on from 'the ex she never got a chance to really say goodbye to.'

"Yeah, I know. I'm just being a brat." I admit.

"Text her if you're that worried." Rachael suggests. "I bet she texts back." I don't hesitate to whip out my phone and text her.

'I love you.' I send to her.

'Me too.' She sends back a minute later. Me too? I tell her I love her and she says me too? Okay, I'm probably reading into it a little more than I should but 'me too'? How would anyone take that?

"See I told you." Rachael says as she see's me reading Ashley's text over and over again.

"Yeah." I say softly. No need to let them in on my thoughts right now. I mean, I guess they're kinda foolish anyways. "Madison you and Aiden didn't have any plans today did you?" I ask and she gives me a look, like she's trying to read me. She can probably sense that something is wrong. Please don't let her ask me about it.

"No." She shakes her head.

"Kay." I reply then text Aiden.

'Can you please come get me. I need to talk.' I text him. And not even ten seconds later he texts back.

'I'm on my way.' It reads. See why he's the greatest big brother in the world? No questions, no explanations needed just... him being there, when I need him.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Aiden for a while. I'll see you guys later." I say getting up from my bed. Grabbing my brag from the dresser. I didn't have to turn around to see the looks on my friend's faces as I left the room.

I waited for Aiden out front to avoid having to talk to anyone, but somehow Kyla found me.

"Hey sis." She says cheerily, sitting down beside me.

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