FirstDate(The Surprise)

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quick a/n:
guys:)lets insert aidan on this chapter.enjoy reading.


Bailey's p.o.v

So tati bring me here at the mall.i don't know why.


me and ken walking on the hallway when tati approach us.



t:bails,im going to the mall.uhm Do you mind accompany me?pleaseee*puppy eyes*

b:stop doing that.Is it okay ken?'s okay i'll just go with the boys.

t:yeyyy.thank you ken.So let's go?

then tati pull me out of the school.


Lately this girl acting so weird when i say"tats i wanna go home"she will reply"no please..later"we just watching here at the skatepark and it's boring.

b:tatiana let's go home.
t:wait...i'm enjoying.
b:yea..wohoo it's so fun*sarcasm*yeyy.
t:please need more minutes.

she kept looking on her phone and keep walking back and fourth.When her phone beep she quickly read it and grab my hand.

t:let's go.

she says excitedly and wearing a smile on her face what's happening to this girl?

Ken's p.o.v

we're finish decorating and yea i cook the foods with sean.I take my shower and wear an ordinary clothes such as pants and shirt.As we finish i quickly text tati that we're done.Then i got a reply from her as long as i recieve it i remind them the plan.Then we're ready.I can do this....

*phone beeps*

we're already here.



we're ready.

send to:tatiana

okay this is it..

Bailey's p.o.v

Tati and i just walk and we stop here inf....


she is nowhere.where is she?

b:tatiana?come on don't play stuff..It's not funny.

omg.Where are you tati.There's a cute little boy walking and he walk towards to me and gave me a bouque of flowers.

b:what is this?

then he ran,he stop on the park my favorite spot i wear a smile on my lip i look around and i can't see the boy who gave me a bouque of flowers and suddenly i saw a piece of paper shaped heart hanging on the tree so i grab it.And it says"So the boy do the plan and he saw the girl walking infront of him"i read as im walking entering the park.Then i saw another piece of paper says"Look on your left"So i raise my he...KEN?w..hat th...e heck..?

K: So the boy do the plan and he saw the girl walking infront of him.

i walk slowly towards to him.And tears are forming onto my eyes.A candles on the ground shaped heart and there's a table,a sweet melody playing on the piano wait?is that sean?i look again back to ken..

k:then the girl walk towards to the boy.

"ken"i whisper while looking around.

k:then the boy offer his hand to the girl asking her to dance with him

when he says those words my heart really melts,i slowly put my hand on the top of his.And the song start playing we sway like branches of a tree left,right while we're dancing he kept looking on my eyes i saw on his eyes that he's really happy as the song stop.He kneel down and im so really in shock.

k:then the boy kneel infront of the girl showing A little box inside of it is a promise ring.

then he open it the ring inside is so beautiful.The tears start again to form inside my eyes.

k:Bailey?i want you in my life,i want you to be my whole life.I promise i'll protect you,i will love you until my last breath i'll be by you side.please accept this promise ring.

he says while his putting the ring on my finger.

k:as my presence.

I can't hold back the tears it flows down onto my cheeks.

b:i'll promise*sniffs*i will keep this.

i say while crying and i pull him up and hug him tightly."this is too much ken,"i whisper."You like it?"he whispered back."i really love it....I love you so much"i say.then he let go of the hug and shout "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO BAILEY SOK"then the fireworks start to lighten the whole place.

b:ken?*says while looking at the sky*this is too much.
k:you deserve too much attention bailey*smiles*
b:you make me cry.

i say and punch his chest.


then he hug me..

k:No one can change my feeling.You're just the only one here*point in his chest*and i will never let you go.

he says and i can't help myself not to cry he heard me sobs and then he quickly swipe away the tears and hug me tight.

Update here:)hope y'll guys like this chapt.
Votes and comments:')ilovey'll^^


(guys the "boy"i mentioned above is already aidan but don't worry he will have a great role on this story)

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