Forget about him...FOR AWHILE

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Sean's p.o.v

we're now at thier house she's in her room and im on their kitchen i decided to cook foods for her oh and btw her parents still not home we are just the two here.I walk upstairs to her room i decided not to knock so i just open the door slowly,She's lying on her bed facing her right lamp and hugging her fluppy pillow i think she's still crying.I enter and sits on her left facing her back i tap slowly her arm and talk.

S:hey buddy?i cook food for you.

she let out a sigh and sniffs,she's still not moving,she's controlling not to cry and not shake her voice.

B:not hungry.

She said sniffing.

S:i know what you feeling bailey,but you're hurting your self that much you need energy.

She sway her head left and right.

B:i don't want to get off the bed and walk anywhere..i just want to be here

S:then?I don't want you to be here for a long time.

I carry her and starts to walk downstairs.

B:hey put me down.

She tap my chest so many times,i didn't mind her.

S:you need to eat.

B:okay.i will eat just put me down im heavy.

S:you sure?you will?

B:yes yes i will.

I put her down and stare on her eyes then i quickly carry her again not're lying.


i put her in the couch and warning her.

S:if you're thinking to escape.Don't you ever'll be back.And you*points bailey*will stay there.

B:Am i your dog?tsss.Fine.

I walk through the kitchen and get the food that i cook.i go back to the couch and saw her waiting.

B:what did you cook?

S:*smiles*we have here..uhm...steak,vegetables salad,waffles and drinks.

B:ok..ay i don't want to eat i'll go upstairs bye*walk away*

I facepalm and carry her from her back,and drag her to the couch.

S:you need to eat.

B:i don't want the food.

i grab the fork and cut some steak.

S:Taste it.

B:i don't w....

when she open her mouth i quickly put the steak inside her mouth.

B:*chew,chew,chew,chew,chew*ya knaw a want ta....

S:shhhh don't talk when your mouth is full.


S:shhh don't talk just eat.




S:how many times i'll remind you that..

i suddenly stop cause she look at me and.

B:*swallow*don't talk when your mouth is full.okay i'll shut up here.


The hour pass then she finished WE finished eating then i ask her.

S:So??about th...

B:i don't want to talk about it,sean.

She said.

S:im sorry.So how's the food?

B:oh taste good btw.

S:good to know.So now what we gonna do?

i said while leaning onto the couch.

B:i think we should go out and relax.what do you think sean?

S:yea it's a really nice idea.Oh i think y....

B:yea..i just want to forget about him.....for awhile*try to smiles*

S:i understand

i said and hug her.

S:you'll gonna be better...Soon.

B:i want to hug that soon

Then she let out of the hug and try to laugh so i laugh with her too..I just want to help her feel better.ya know FRIENDSHIP GOALS.

So she dressed she just wear some white and black shirt,black jeans and white converse.Then we drove to the mall i hope this idea will help her.

Bailey's p.o.v

Me and Sean is now at the line..yea line we're gonna watch civil war he pick that movie we buy two tickets of course but before we enter we buy first at the starbucks and some kettleco....opps i don't want to continue sorry you guys know it i know yea so we buy the puff...ya know and enter we sat at the second to the last seat then yea..we watch the movie while we're watching i feel boring so i rest my head on the chair and hug my self ya know all what i mean i across my hand on my chest then blow my hands that now freezing i shake and cannot find my comfort position then sean talk

S:here*handed a jacket*wear it.

B:n.nno im okay really that's y...

S:just wear it.

i stop cause he put his jacket onto my shoulder.He's wearing a longsleeve inside so..

B:thank you*smiles*

then after a minutes i feel sleepy again i rest my head to the chair and close my eyes im now falling asleep but suddenly i feel someone holding my right cheek and i know it's sean he guided me to his shoulder and talk.

S:it's better right?

i feel comfortable on this position i open my eyes and answer.

B:yea..thank you

i feel that he smile

S:*smiles*you can sleep there.i will wake you up if the movie is over.

B:*smiles*you sure?my head is kinda heavy.

S:yea as long as my bestfriend is comfortable then..

B:hahaha okay

then i sleep on his shoulder.Sean is the most careful,lovable bestfriend ever.I guess?

A long long days since i really sorry for that readers hope y'll understand im trying my best to update three chapt a week there's so many projects at school,programs that need to handle,everyday ugh this days is so really tiring.but i really really appreaciate all of you guys reading this story your votes,comments is really appreciated and it made my day you guys are so amazing.btw this story reach 8k+ reads and 600+votes im gonna explode anytime.So this is all i have today i love y'all gals:***


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