Im here

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Bailey's p.o.v

I roll on the floor laughing because of them they dress like a girl they dress like me i do a make up on them then walk around my room like a model.

s:*in a girl tune*hi im alexis 18 yrs of old representing calgary*flying kiss*

we all laugh and i tease the two of them that they are look like a true girl.

b:*laughs*you guys look like a real girl.

ken answer me in a girl tune

k:yea we know*look at sean and laugh*

we all laugh until mom knocks.

bmom:*open door*hey buddies
k&s:hi*waves and bow*
b:hi mom.
bmom:hi sweetie btw sean i call your mom and i get her permission for you to take a sleepover here.
s:*wide eye and look to ken and bailey that also have a eye like him*really?woah amazing.
bmom:and ken you're mom drag a clothes for you,you can get them on the guess room you too sean.

the two gave thanks to mom then mom also leaves

bmom:guys im leaving*walks to bails and kisses forehead*

sean and bails waved to mom

then sean talks

s:guys i'll take a shower,cause make-up on my face is so....*roll eyes*

ken and i laugh hardly until sean leave my room.Ken's face turn into serious then stare at me and quickly hug me.

k:im afraid to lose you.
b:what are you talking about?

ken just whisper on my ear"nothing"

i felt nervous and lose on his arm.

b:do you have a problem?tell me i'm here to listen.

ken looked down and make his head sway left and right.

b:we're couple right?if one have a problem the one needs to now it it's our problem don't keep it by yourself...comeon ken tell me

ken lean on my shoulder and says

k:im just tired and need rest

then i offer him to take a rest then he quickly did i put a blanket on top of him cause it's kinda cold tonight.When ken is already asleep sean enter the room and whisper to me.

s:*whisper*ken is already sleep?bwoh.

sean and i decided to talk to each other then when sean feels that he also need a rest i told him goodnight then he kiss me on my forehead

b:goodnight bestie*hug*
s:goodnight bails*friendly kiss in forehead*

then he leaves.i turn my eyes to ken that sleeping i sat beside him and rest also but before i sleep i kiss ken on the cheek and say goodnight.then i fall in asleep.

*After a 3 hours let say that is around 11:00 pm hihi.*

Ken'a p.o.v

i feel someone hugging from behind so i slowly open my eyes and look who.And found out the girl of my life hugging on me i slowly turn my body around then she moved and cuddle i hug her tight and watch her sleeping.I kiss her forehead.

k:*whisper*goodnight babe*kiss forehead*

then she talk.

b:ken my answer to your question is...yes...

then bailey moved and hug on me tightly then i go back to sleep letting her hugging and cuddling on my arms

hi guys:")sorry for this lateeeeeyyy update im too busy and now im sick im sorry if this chapter is not that good cause i can't even hold my phone and i'd try my best to finish this chapt.i love you guys:*"***don't forget to voteand comments*kisses and hugs*


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