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( day:))

Kenneth p.o.v

Im now at the school im so over thinking about that f*cking contract..ughhhhh.Bailey keep talking to me but i don't have any guts to answer her.

B:ken?hey?answer me.
K:i'm not in my mood bailey.
B:are you okay?are you sick?
K:*sigh*just i need some...i need some.....time.Please..

i look to her and her face showing me dissapointment.She can't believe it,cause everytime she talk to me i always answer it.

K:im sorry....'s..okay.

Then she look out the window and didn't talk then suddenly sean came in the room and sit beside bailey.

B:goodmorning sean*smiles*
S:goodmorning bails.Yo ken!

i energy.He gave me high-five and back to bailey they talk and talk until prof came in and start discussing.brrr i don't want to listen to him.

Bailey's p.o.v

ken is kinda quiet today.i Keep asking him but he keep answering slang answers that brings me to disappointment tss what's happening to this guy luckily sean is here so i have someone to talk with.

*bell rings*time to snack finally.I think ken is just hungry haha.

B:hey!*sits beside him*snack time

i say to him and give him a smile.He just sway his head left and right that i guess his disaggreing.


I saw sean goin to open the door but i call him.


he look back to me and smiles showing his little dimples.

B:can i come?

he nod so i ran towards to him and push him out,before i close the door i look back to ken and he still resting his head to the desk.I whisper

"You're just tired,nothing more"

Then sean and i started to walk.

B:Ken is kinda quiet today.Is he sick or tired?
S:He's your boyfriend you better know what is he feeling.
B:*tap sean's back neck*Idiot.You're his besfriend you know him a lot so im asking you.
S:ouch*scratch his back neck*I don't know,it's my first time to see him like that.
S:yea,If his tired he's going to the library and sleep there if his sick he's on their house probably sleeping.

We talk btw were at the cafeteria now and sit on our place

B:what's the heck happening to my boy?
S:I don't know,Did you two talk yesterday?
B:nope,i text him but i never recieve some replies from him.
S:oo??i think...maybe..problem is eating ken now.
B:what do you mean?
S:i don't know,i said maybe..he have a problem that he really needs to share.

it never popped on my mind.huh goodshot sean maybe he had i need to talk to him maybe later dismissal.

B:yea you're right.

I agree to him we eat our foods and walk back to our room.Btw i buy ken some burger and drinks to eat on our room.We reach our room and only ken's there o?and the girl name reign .I elbow sean on his hip.

B:what time is it?did the bell ring?
S:snack is over.Where's the students?

i look to our nextroom and also no one there what's the heck happening?

reign:The teacher's program..that's why no students here they all at the school auditorium.I go ahead..bye*smiles*

Oh i forgot about that.I tell sean to go there first cause i will talk to ken.

B:Sean,can you do me a favor?
S:yea what is it?
B:can you go there first and save us a sit?
S:hahaha.Lil thing okay.bye see you there.
B:hahahaha bye.

Then he leaves my eyes follow him then when he disappeared.I look to ken that on my side and he's going to sit properly then i hug him that i think i made him surprise.

B:What's happening to you?im worrying.

I feel his head sway left and right saying"Nothing"

B:tell me.Im going to listen.

i say pulling back on the hug.And ready to listen.His eyes is now watery.I hold his cheeks and talk.

B:hey?hey?Im worrying kenneth tell me please?

Im worrying now what the hell is wrong with you kenneth.


i said once again.He stands and.

K:*stands up*im sorry.

He said standing up and ready to go out.

K:im sorry..

He said lastly and his tears falls down onto his cheeks and his voice is shaking.I have nothing to say i just whisper


I go out,run and follow's already five min.I'm still following him when someone calls me it's...Sean

S:hey?why are you running.
B:follow me.

We ran and stops near at the one corner of the school we are deciding if we're going to peek or continue running.But we decided to hear for awhile on there convo.

Boy:im sorry but i can't do it.
Girl:oppssss.i'm sorry no taking back.
Boy:i can't..i love her so much.
Girl:no taking back.

Why are we listening to this non sense conversation?we are going to run.I run and stops infront of the two that having their convo..My eyes widened sean bump on my back cause i think his not paying attention while we're running.


I say calmly,Sean look at me and look infront we saw them really brokes my heart into pieces



He said surprisingly.Sean pull kenneth shirt and punch kenneth on the cheeks.I hug sean on back stoping him.


My tears are flowing down on my cheeks while pulling sean back.When i pull him back Soni speaks

So:Stop hurting my boyfriend.

Sean wipe his hand on his face

S:boyfriend huh??Dude?what's the meaning of this?cheating??are you crazy?you had bailey.

S:You had bailey dude.And you're so lucky having her.

Sean says calmly but i can't help myself not to cry.

S:But you didn't protect her.You didn't deserve bailey.

Sean is keep savin me to them.I pull him but i can't his strong i can't stand this i ran pass to them and headed on the girls restroom.

no one there i wash my face and take a deep breath the desperate tears flow down i look down and speaks.

"Im tired of this"

the door creek open.


He walk towards to me and hug me.

S:im sorry.

I put my hands on the top of his chest and cry.I can't control it

"im tired being hurt sean,im really tired of this.I'm tired being used"

S:im here.I'll be by your side.

:)thank you for reaching this story up to 7k+ reads and 600+ votes.It really means the world to me i just want you guys to know that i really really love all of you readers.
From your dearest haha

pretty short?huhu sorry.votes?comments?i just want you guys to know that my eyes is now watery because of this chapter i don't know why im crying duh im the author and tsss.whyy??

leave...leaveeee.llleeeaaavvee some:)


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