In Afghanistan

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Mark's POV.

I currently just got back from a successful mission and now we are all having to go to an important meeting with our Sargent. I'm curious as to why we have to, because we don't usually have these, but someone in my crew said it was urgent.

I walk over to our building to see what all this is about. Hopefully I get to go home to my family. I'm so worried about them and I miss them so much. It's been so long since I saw them too.

"Congratulations team. Another successful mission. Also congratulations to our greatest sniper, Stevenson. You did it again and we are proud of you. We are proud of all of you. You risk your lives everyday to save our country and to stop people from destroying it. Now it's the time to say goodbye. You are all going home to your families in 2 days. So pack up and get everything ready. Goodnight guys." The Sargent said and walked out.

What? Did he say we can go home now? In 2 days? Everyone is jumping around and hollering so it must be what he said....... Oh my god. I'm going home to see my family. After so long. It's almost time for Christmas. Maybe I will surprise them. Yeah I'm going to do just that.

I leave the building and head to my building to get some rest. Before I make it there, I hear my name.


I turn around to see my Sargent coming up to me.

Me: "Sir."

Sargent: "We really do appreciate you for all that you have done. You have helped us kill some of the most wanted people. I know we can't keep you any longer, because we are all missing our family and I know you want to go home to yours, but if you can come back a week after Christmas, we have a crew going to Africa because something is going on over there and the government wants us to go over there and check it out. I know it will be me, Chief, General, Colonel, hopefully you, and 6 other high ranking soldiers. Also we have 3 medics and 2 scientist that will be joining us. Would you like to come along?"

Me: "I...... How long will we be there?"

Sargent: "No longer than 2 weeks."

Me: "Okay."

Sargent: "Great. I will give you a call later on about what time you need to report back and the things you will need. We appreciate you for coming. Now I'm going to let you get some rest. Got a long ride back home."

We shake hands and part ways. Did I really just agree to going back after I get to go home? I know it's my job but why can't it wait? I made a promise to my wife, Tess, that I would put them first but it seems like I'm putting work first. No. I'm saving them. I'm saving the country that my family lives in. That's what I'm doing. I'm protecting them.

I finally make it to my building and I go there and lay down on my cot and get ready for a long day of packing up tomorrow. Just 2 more days and I can go back home and see my family that I haven't seen in a long time. I fall asleep thinking about my family and how I can't wait to see them.

2 Days Later

We are finally leaving and I'm glad. I spoke to the Sargent about what we are doing in Africa, but all he said was that there is a sickness over there that the scientist want to test and check it out. They need a couple of soldiers to go over there for back up in case something goes down because lately with how the world is, you can never be too sure.

I put my bag in the compartment and get on the plane. Finally. After so long I can finally become some what normal. I won't be around bullets, explosions, death, sleepless night...... I will be Mark. I will be home with my wife and kids. Everything will be okay. Until I leave again. I know I don't want to, but it's for the best because after all, I'm keeping them safe and that is a promise I made that I will keep forever.

I lean my hard back and prepare for a long ride back home to America.

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