3 Weeks Later

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Kaiden's POV

We have finally made it to Oklahoma, but we have spent three days trying to look for this place. It could be anywhere.

In the car is me, Amara, and Isaac. Roma died a while back. We stopped at a gas station to find some food and gas and their were maybe eight rotters. She said she would hold them off, while we go. I didn't know it meant that she would let them eat her while we drive away. I remember her saying that she wanted to be with her family.

My leg is infected and my ankle is now healed. I still can't believe I killed my dad. My own father. The one who loved and cared for me a long time ago. And to think that man, that I loved killed my own brother. Dalton died in my arms and it just keeps replaying over and over in my head. It's so messed up. It's horrible.

Ever since Roma died, I haven't really talked no one. Amara just wants to get me this place so the world can go back to normal. Isaac has tried to talk to me, but I ignored him and he just stopped trying. I didn't mean to ignore him. It's just that there is no point in caring anymore.

"Wait. What's that?" Isaac said pointing out his window.

Amara stops the car and sees guards and military walking around a fence. Is this the place?

"The entrance has to be on the other side." Amara says and does a complete u-turn.

We keep driving until we turn down this road. We stop at the fence and guards come out.

Amara rolls down her window to talk to the guard.

"Get out of the car now!" Someone says over this loud speaker.

We do as we are told.

"Now, walk forward and talk to the guard standing at the fence." The loud speaker dude said.

We walk to the fence and talk to the man.

"What's your business for being here?" He says.

"Well, this is ghe safest place." Amara says, sounding like she is desperate.

"Well, I believe so, but you are going to have to turn around. We can't take anyone who isn't useful." He says.

"You can't just tell us to turn around! I thought this is where people come to survive the apocalypse!" Isaac says getting mad.

"Look kid. It's not my rules." He says.

"You don't understand." I say, walking up to the fence.

"You all are going to have to leave. I'm sorry. If you don't have any information, we can't take you in." He says with sorrow in his eyes.

I control he feels bad for turning us away, but like he said it isn't his rules. We do have information though.

"We do information..... What caused this outbreak was bacteria in water known as flesh eating bacteria. People with open soars or cuts got into the water and it spread through their blood stream, damaging their body. It created this deadly virus....... You probably already new that, but we came here because I know how to stop it." I say.

"Tell me how you stop it." The speaker man says.

I turn around and move my hair to show them the big, unhealed scratch on my back.

"I have been scratched by a rotter almost two months ago. I had the symptoms, but I didn't die. My blood controls the bacteria from spreading and kills the virus. My blood cures the particles of this deadly disease. I am the cure to this virus and I came here to stop the apocalypse and have humanity in this world again." I say.

"Let them in." The speaker man said quickly.

The fence opens and we hurry inside. The person that was talking to us at the fence, lead us to this big room where generals and scientist are.

"Sit in this chair. They will test your blood." The dude said.

A scientist came and took some blood and walked away.

"Kaiden. I haven't known you for long, but I'm proud of you. No young person would be brave enough like you. You are a hero." Amara says.

"Thank you. The word hero is for like soldiers, policeman, fireman, god, or like superheros, but me saving the world...... Is crazy...... I guess I am a true hero because they all do that to." I say.

"That's because you are a hero. Well, going to be." The same scientist who took my blood said, "Get the president out of his room."

Some generals leave and come back with the president.

"Hello. We talked over the speakers." The president says and shakes all of our hands.

"Mr. President. You won't believe this, but we finally found the cure." The scientist said.

The scientist points at me.

"Her blood is the cure for this virus. I tested it four times to make sure."

"Congratulations. You just saved the world." The president said to me with a smile.

"Start getting everything ready." President says and walks away.

They pick me up and lay me on some kind of hospital bed. Isaac and Amara stand by me as a general speaks to me.

"Let me make this fast and simple because I we are running out of time. We are going to take all of your blood. You are going to slowly die of blood loss. It's for a good cause. Are you okay with this?"

I sit and think about it as Amara and Isaac start to get upset over losing another member of their group. We have made it this far. They're like my family. I have to save them. I have to save the world. I will always be remembered for saving the world. Besides, I will be with my family again.

"I will do it." I speak up.

"What?" Amara and Isaac say at the same time.

"It's to save the world. I will do whatever it takes. Hook me up to the machine. Get the blood out of me. Save the world."

The general nods his hands and sticks a tube in my left arm. The blood starts to leave my body and goes in the tube into a big container.

"You guys are going to survive. You get to live to tell your story." I say smiling.

"We won't forget to tell about you." Isaac says and grabs my right hand and gives it a light squeeze.

Amara sits on the side of my bed and starts crying.

"I can't believe we are watching you slowly die..... You are a strong, brave, tough, beautiful girl. You are like a little sister that I never had." Amara says.

"Thank you." I mouthed.

I start to tear up as well. I can feel myself slowly drain and it scares me.

"We all have been through a lot. Standing here right now and watching my best friend die to not only save me, but the whole world, is crazy. I get to say I survived the apocalypse, but I won't forget the girl I was so crazy about. Kaiden, not only are you my best friend, but you are my hero. I really did like you a lot and I'm glad that I got to meet you." Isaac says and kissed my forehead.

I start to feel light headed and dizzy feeling.

"When the world goes back to normal, don't forget each other. We have this special bond that I don't won't to ever forget." I say.

"We will never forget you." Amara says.

"Goodbye Kaiden." Isaac says.

I squeeze his hand one last time as I take my last breath and close my eye forever.

Author's Note

There is only one more chapter left to this book. 😭😱

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