Since When

15 3 0

Max's POV

Damn. We ran out of gas. Now what do we do? We got already 20 miles. I see a gas station sign up ahead. Got to be at least 5 miles away.

I go to walk over to the gas station when I was stopped by Lillian.

"Don't. You need to stay here with Brooke. She isn't going to make it far. That's a long walk." She says.

"How do you know that?"

"Because she doesn't look so good and she doesn't have her inhaler with her. All I'm saying is that not all of us need to go. She will just slow us down anyway." She explains.

"Then she will go until she can't no more. That was the rules." Tony says walking over, joining in on the conversation.

"Who makes you the leader?" Lillian questions rudely.

"We all did. I'm the one who got you out of that place. I got all of you out of there and told that boy to go back for Brooke. I didn't have to do that, but I did and not once did I hear a thank you from any of you." Toby say getting angry.

"Whatever." Lillian rolls her eyes and walks toward the has station.

Toby walks after her.

I turn around to go back to Brooke. I didn't realize that she was right behind me.

"It's true." Brooke says.

"What is?"

"What they said about me?" She says while looking down.

"No. It was just Blu. You know how she is." I say trying to help her feel better.

"I'm going to die sooner or later. I'm the weakest one. I'm slowing you down. Don't worry about me anymore." She says.

She groans and grabs her side like she was in pain.

"Brooke." I'm worried.

"Let's just go with them to the store." She mumbles.

She starts walking over there but it's very slow. I wonder if her asthma is getting to her. She really does look horrible.

"Brooke!" I yell.

She keeps walking and but she starts to cough. I run after her just in time before she drop to her knees. She spits out blood.

"Woah. Is it you asthma?" I ask.

I don't ever recall asthma doing this, but I could be wrong. I've never had it or know anyone that had it, but Brooke.

"No." She says weakly.

"What is it then? Why are you coughing up blood?" I ask, panicking.

"You can't tell anyone. I'm begging you. Promise me you won't tell." She says seriously.

"I promise."

How bad can it be?

"I've been bit."

Oh. It's that bad. I don't think I could keep something like this a secret. What if she comes back as one of those and kills one of us.

"Where did you get bit?"

"On my stomach." She says while lifting her shirt up.

There is huge teeth marks on the side of her stomach. It's red and purple. It looks infected and disgusting.

"Since when?" I ask.

"When you saved me. I got attacked and it bit me. Then you got there. I didn't tell anyone because I thought we would be somewhere safe by now. I haven't been feeling sick until the car ride and now. There is no telling how long I have left to live, but I do want to tell you thank you for saving me back there. You didn't have to. I really appreciate it Max." She says.

"Also you promised that you would not tell anyone. Please. Don't." She adds.

I nod my head in return, to let her know that I won't tell anyone. She then hugs me and I hug her back hesitantly. I don't know how long she has left. The only thing I can think about is how did we not know that she had been bitten?

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