Oh No

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Isaac's POV

My dad and I are sitting in the hospital in the waiting room. My mom was at work, taking care of a patient, and they bit her. They took a chunk out of her arm. She is now in the ICU and we are waiting on some news.

I'm worried that she is going to die. I don't want her to, but everyone who gets bit or scratch dies or they have to get amputated if its arms or legs. Usually they lose too much blood and die. There is no cure because the CDC hasn't found it yet or what even started this outbreak.

This is bad and it spreads quickly. It has took over some states already. It's probably going to end up wiping out the whole world..... Is this how it ends? Is this where the humans are going to extinct just like the dinosaurs? At some point the world is going to end. I guess this was the easiest way to get rid of humans. They could at least used an atomic bomb because those are less painful, physically and emotionally.

Tammy, moms friend that is a nurse like her, came into the waiting room where we are and took a seat beside me.

"Hey kid." She says while rubbing my back.

"Hi." I say not really wanting to talk, but I decided to be nice.

"I went and saw your mom, but it was only for a split second. The doctors wouldn't let me in because I have been exposed into the air." She says.

"How is she? Is there any news from the doctors?" My dad said anxiously.

The doctors came out win blood all over them. They take their coats and gloves off (which is covered in blood) and bend down on there toes but there knees aren't touching the ground, where they were standing. They look really pale like they just saw a ghost which I mean they probably did because this is a hospital. People have died here.

"Eric? Cameron?" Tammy says, scared of what they could say.

I know these two. They were always together and they used to come over all the time for barbeque.

Tammy stands up slowly and walks over there, but before she got to them Eric speaks up and say, "May....we had to amputate her arm..... She..."

"She what?" My dad said while standing up.

Cameron goes to say something, but he gets cut off by people screaming.

Everyone happened so fast. People screaming and running. Patients biting and eating other people. Eric tried to run away, but three people ended up attacking him. The biting, the blood, the skin getting pulled away, those things eating him, I saw it all.

Cameron grabbed me and tried to push my dad away, but he wouldn't budge because he wanted to see mom and help her get out of there. Tammy was just standing there looking at Eric. She was in some kind of trance.

"Tammy!" Cameron yelled loudly.

She turned around with tears in her eyes. She went to walk towards us, but one of the patients grabbed her and but into her shoulder, while bringing her down to the ground. Tammy screamed out in pain.

While Cameron and my dad were trying to come up with a plan, I decided to step forward. It was like I was being forced. I didn't want to go up to Tammy's body. My legs just kept moving.

I heard Cameron and my dad telling me to stop and I heard their footsteps behind me, but then they stopped. The reason they stopped was because the patient stopped feeding on Tammy and was looking dead at me.

Right then and there I wanted to do nothing but scream and cry. I want to end my life. Why take someone like her away from me. What did I do to deserve this? My mother was gone forever.

"Mom?" I say breathless and tears streaming down my face.

It only had one arm. She was the thing that was eating Tammy. She died and came back to life. That's what Eric was trying to tell us. That she died.

What are we going to do now? It can happen to anyone. No one is safe. I know for sue now that the world has officially came to an end.


Heyyy. I hope y'all are enjoying this book as much as I am enjoying writing this. If you would like to help me find people who you think fits the description for the already made characters please message me the people and I will give you credit for those.

If you would like to be a character please message me. I need a group of 5 people for my next few chapters that will be coming later on. I would need you name or the character name, a age or a made up one, a description of yourself or what you want your character to be or look like, where you came from or where you want your character  to come from, and your back story on how you met up with the group.

Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I really appreciate it. You should check out my first book called Breathe and let me know what you think.

You can find me on:
Instagram: haleyyy_143
Twitter: haleyyyyy143
Snapchat: haleyyy_100

Love you,
-Haley 😝❤

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