The Phone Call

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Kelsey's POV.

I wake up the next morning with Griffin in her bed. What a night. I am still exhausted.


"Griffin , you have to put your pj's on to go to bed." I say chasing her around the house.

She had gotten into the candy bowl and the cookie jar while I was on the phone with her mother.

"I'm not tired though." She says, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Well you shouldn't have eaten all that junk food." I say running after her.

"I have so much energy." She says running up the stairs.

I chase her for a while until she steps on a toy and falls down. She starts crying bad and I pick her up to see about her.

"Are you okay?" I ask while checking her foot out.

"IT HURTS!" She yells, still crying.

"Well you aren't bleeding or swelling. So I think you should be fine....... Did you learn your lesson?" I say, carrying her to her room.

"Yes..... I want eat so much candy and cookies before I go to bed ever again." She says drying her tears up.

"No more running either." I say and sit her on her bed.

"Can you read me a bed time story?" She asked so sweetly.

Like who could say no to that face?

"Okay. But first, you got to take a bath, put you pj's on, and brush your teeth. Then I will tuck you in and read you a bed time story." I say.

She squeals and runs to the bathroom. I laugh and follow her.

Flashback over

I must have fallen asleep here. I know for a fact her parents aren't back yet. They got stuck in a traffic jam and had to stay the night. There are always traffic jams and it sucks.

I get up to go make us some breakfast and call her parents. I go down the stairs and pick up the house phone to see a voicemail thing pops up signalling a message. I click the thing and hear the message:

"Kelsey, this is Beth. You weren't picking up your phone so I decided to call here. We won't be home for a while. There is something going on and they won't let us leave until it gets cleared out. I'm going to guess that it's a bad car accident but there is a lot of dead people. I was wondering if you could stay with Griffin for a couple of days until we get back. Be careful and don't go outside unless you have to. Bye. Be safe. Tell Griffin that we love her."

Well that was weird, but okay. I have to stay here with her for a couple of more days. I need to go home and get some new clothes though and explain to my parents what's going on too.

I still can't get over the voice mail I got this morning from Beth. "Don't go outside unless you have to." She has never told me that before. "There is a lot of dead people." In a car accident? I don't think this was some car accident. And it also seemed like they haven't left from work because she specifically stated, "They won't let us leave until it gets cleared out." Like come on. Who says that unless they are in danger. I'm starting to worry a little bit so I get my phone and google some news reports about last night. Hopefully something will come up.

After a while of searching stuff up on Google, I found nothing. There wasn't nothing serious that happened or a bad car accident. Then what could be so bad that they won't be home for a few days?

I pushed my thoughts away when I hear the door bell ring.

I go towards the door and look out the peep hole. I couldn't really see anything so I unlock the door and open it. I gasp at what I see standing in front of me.


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