I Will See You Again

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Kaiden's POV

"Take Max and get him to safety. Where ever y'all live. We have to find our parents. Hopefully we will run into you guys again. It was nice meeting you." Dalton says.

It's been a few hours and we have gotten to know them a lot. We found out that they were from the safe place in Texas. They got lost and happen again to come upon us. Also we have been passed out for 3 weeks. So I guess that means we were in a coma.

Lillian and Toby are dead. Max woke up and is going back with them to the safe place.

We also found out that no one name Tess or Mark. So that means mom and dad never made it.

"Okay. We understand." Maddix says.

They get in their car with Max and we put our bags in our car that they had found.

Before I could get in the car, Hunter stops me. I have gotten to really know him. He is nice, good looking, and has a great sense of humor.

"Hey gorgeous." He says with a smile.

"Cupcake, are you going to keep calling me that?" I say playing with him.

"Yes my little sunshine." He said joking back.

Then we start laughing. I love this friendship that we have. Calling each other hit and everything. No one would get how close we became, but it was fun while it lasted.

"I just wanted to give you this. I found it and I thought that if I ever met a cute girl I would give it to them. You have became a great friend to me in a shirt a.out of time that we have known each other. No one would understand our friendship, but I guess we just sort of clicked." He says and starts chuckling.

He then sticks his hand intobhis pocket and pulls out a necklace. It was a gold necklace win a music note on it. The music notes has diamonds on it. It looks expensive. Also, it's really pretty.

He comes up to me and outs it on me.

"It's really beautiful Hunter. Thank you." I say and pull him into a hug.

We part ways and get into our car which goes opposite ways.

"So where do we go now?" I asked Dalton.

"To find our parents. Wherever they are." Dalton mumbles the last part.

"Well, we can just keep driving." I say.

He just nods Godhead. We drive until we see people in front of us killing rotters. They look tough and seemed to have some training. They kill them easily and start to cheer.

One man spots us and points toward us. They all pint their guns to us, telling us to get out of the car with our hands up where they can see them. We get out with our hands up like they told us to.

One man walks up to us. He looks shock and tears started form in his eyes.

Dalton and I look at each other then back at the man standing in front of us.

"Dad?" I say.

Please be him. Please be him. Please be him.

"Mark! What are you doing? Do you know these people?" Someone says walking up to him.

"It's alright Wes. Theses are my kids. Meet Dalton and Kaiden." He says.


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