You Monster

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Kaiden's POV

We are now running in the woods and I'm freaking out. It's been about 2 weeks since I've gotten scratched and I'm not dead. I should've turned by now. When I look at it, I get grossed out because it's very disgusting. I have had the symptoms and passed out, but I woke up like 4 hours later. That's what Max said about me waking up. I just don't get it. The news and everyone says if you are bitten or scratched you die and come back as a rotter. I even seen people as a rotter only have scratches. My dad even showed me how there was not bite marks only scratches once we killed it. So why not me?

Hunter has been avoiding me and staying as far as possible as he can from me. The last time I talked to him he said that I was a disease. He is probably on his "man period".

Leslie and hints have been dating for a week. He asked her out in the most cutest way ever. He took her to the nearest lake and in the dirt he spelled out will you be my girlfriend. He even song her a song that he has been working on for a while. They are literally my OTP. Cutest couple ever. I ship "Lunter".

Isaac and I have frown really close. He knows that I like him and I know that he likes me, but we aren't dating. We haven't done any relationship stuff either. We are just really good friends.

Since Maddix died, Amara has stepped down from being a leader and just hangs out with Colt. I know he wants me dead. I'm just waiting for him to make his move.

Dalton and Max have became the leader now, but Dalton is in full control. That's the way I like it too. I'm proud of Dalton.

Ever so often, I have these spells where I see my dad, but he isn't really there. Sometimes I see rotters, but they aren't really there. I see the people that I have killed, but they aren't really there either. I feel like I'm being haunted. I think that the whole group thinks that I have gone crazy. This scares me, but I know it's true. I'm just like my father.


We stop running and decided to the a break. We are now 12ft away from the road, but I can still see it. There are a few rotters on the road.

Everyone is trying to catch their breathes quietly, while I focus on Dalton. He is staring at the road. I look at what he is looking at, but only see rotters. I look back at him. He is staring in confusion. His eyes go wide and he stands up. He looks pissed now. Everyone is watching him. I stand up as well and look at what he is looking at. I stand up as well and look archway he is looking at.

There I see it. My mother as a rotter. Just walking around.

I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Everything is frozen around me. I start to feel tears pour out of my eyes. I try to run down there and I don't know why, but thankfully Dalton wraps his other hand on my mouth. I try to get out of his grip, but it's no use. He is too strong. He pulls me back and we start walking again with the group following closely behind us. He ha years in his eyes, but he tries to hide it. Tears start to fall and it makes him walk faster. By now all of us are running again.


It is now dark and we are inside a park. It's a tiny one and it has a fence around it. We set up a fire and we are all sitting around it. I look around to see Dalton walking around patrolling the fence. I excuse myself from the conversation and I walk over to him.

"Dalton." I say standing beside him.

He has his hand gripped on the fence.

"I can't believe it. Wes said that dad killed her. I didn't think he meant half killing her to where she would turn into one of those." He says.

"I know." I speak quietly.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

I know exactly what he means.

"Freaking out. It's been two weeks. Shouldn't I have turned by now?" I say.

"Maybe scratches take longer." Dalton says.

"Not this long. A bite takes twenty four hours and a scratch only takes seventy two hours." I state.

"Maybe you are immune." He mumbles.

Can I really be?

"Impossible. Besides there is no cure." I say in denial.

"I don't know, but I'm glad that you are still alive." He says hugging me.

I just nod my head and hugs back.

"Yeah me too." I mumble.

After we pull away I say speak up again, "Why don't you come join us?"

"Someone has to make sure nothing kills us in our sleep. Go back. I will be fine." He says.

"Okay goodnight." I mumble in disappointment.

"Goodnight Kaiden."

I walk back and join the rest of the group for the rest of the night.


I wake up to see everyone standing around me.

"Since when did this happen?" Amara says.

I'm looking confuse as crap.

"She is scratched and she didn't tell anyone?" Colt shouts.

"We have to do something." Hunter says.

"Guys. I'm alright." I speak up.

I sit up and stand up. I no longer have Isaac's jacket on. It's in his hands now. I forgot that i took it off last night to use it as a blanket. I totally forgot about the scratches.

"She hasn't died yet." Dalton says walking up to us.

"How long?" Isaac asked me shocked.

"Yes, I've been scratched, but it was two weeks ago. I have already had the symptoms, but I'm fine now. A bite takes only twenty four hours. A scratch takes seventy two hours. It was on the news before it all went bad. I didn't die or turn." I state.

"That's because you are immune." Dalton says looking at me.

"We don't know for sure though." I say with a sigh.

"I found a hospital. It's rift down the road. Maybe there are people there that can find out why Kaiden is still alive." Dalton says to everyone.

"It's worth a shot." Max says.

We all agree and take off to the hospital. Let's hope there are actually people in there that know about this.

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