In Los Angeles, California

26 3 0

Kelsey's POV.

"Griffin come out of hiding and eat your chicken nuggets and tater tots that I made for you." I say with frustration in my voice.

I hear a giggle close by. Is she in the kitchen? I go to the cabinets under the sink and open the cabinet doors to find her sitting there.

"Boo!" She screams.

"Ahhhh!" I fake scream.

"Got you!" She yells and starts laughing, "You should've seen your face."

"Yeah. I know you scared me." I lied, "Now will you please eat your food before it gets cold."

"Can I have a cookie if I do?" She ask.

"I will give you 2 gigantic cookies." I say.

"Promise?" She whispers.

"I promise." I whisper back.

Her eyes light up and she runs for the table. She starts eating her food. When she was done, I gave her the cookies that she was promised and we went to the living room, so she can relax and watch some cartoons. We decided on Sponge Bob Square Pants.

While she is entertained, I get on my phone and look at Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook because I am bored out of my mind. I really hope that her parents come back early because I want to go to my friends party because the guy that I have had a crush on for years, is officially single and he said that he wanted to talk to me and wanted me to meet up with him at the party so we can talk. This might be my chance to actually talk to him, or maybe even get a kiss from him. NOT! Who would want to date someone like me?

My thoughts were cut off when my phone vibrates signalling that I got a message. I look at my phone to find it is from my best friend, Violet.

Violet: Hey chicka.

Me: Heyyy love.

Violet: What are you gonna wear tonight? Better be something sexy for you know who. 😜

Me: Oh be quite missy.

Violet: Aaron totally likes you.

Me: I don't know about that....... If he really likes me then he would of tried to talk to me a long time ago.

Violet: Yeah but he had a girlfriend back then. Now that Malibu Barbie bitch is gone, now is your chance.

Me: Okay. Fine. I can't argue with that. Right when Griffin's parent get home I will rush home and get ready for the party and then come on over.

Violet: Alright babe. Party starts at 7.

I just read it but never replied because I need to see what's going on with Griffin's parents. It's an hour before the party. I scroll through my phone and click on Beth (which is Griffin's mom). It rings 3 times then she picks up the phone.

Beth: Hello?

Me: Hi Beth.

Beth: Kelsey, how are you and Griffin?

Me: We're good. I was wondering when y'all were getting back.

Beth: Oh honey, it's not going to be any time soon. There is a big traffic jam on the interstate and we haven't even left from our work yet. Do you think you could spend the night to watch Griffin? We will pay you extra because you deserve it.

Me: I had something planned for tonight...... But I can cancel. It's no problem.

Beth: Thank you so much sweetie. I was fixing to call you to ask but I'm glad you called. I'm sorry you had to cancel.

Me: It's fine.

Beth: Well alright. Take care and be safe. We will see you when we get home.

Me: Bye.

Beth: Bye.

And win that, I hung up. Man, this freaking sucks. The one chance I get to actually talk to the guy I like, something has to come up and ruin it. UGHHHH!

I click on violet's name and send her a message.

Me: Hey. I can't go tonight. 😢😠 Something came up and I have to stay the night with Griffin. I really wanted to go but I can't just leave a 6 year old by their selves. Tell Aaron that I couldn't come and if her wants to hang out with me then give him my number please. Have fun. Love you.

Violet: That sucks. I really wish you could come. But yes okay if I see him I will babe. Love you.

I read it but didn't reply because what's the point if you don't have anything else to say. It's her party and I don't want to keep her busy on her phone when she should be partying anyway.

I click my phone off and sit here on the couch and watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles until it's time for Griffin to go to bed.

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