It's Impossible

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Kaiden's POV

"Why the hell did Colt kidnap Leslie?" Hunter says furious.

We all just sit there, thinking about Max, Leslie, Colt, and Dalton. I'm debating on whether or not I should tell them about Colt, but then they will question me and end up finding out that the leader is my dad.

"Colt obviously is a bad guy." Amara says.

Isaac just stares at me. He gets up and sits beside me. He grabs my hand and gives me a small smile, which I return.

"Colt is with the people that came and ruined the community. The man that attacked me and I ended up shooting, was his dad." I say quietly.

They all just stare at me.

It's time that I tell them about Colt.

"The leader. He is the one that kidnapped me and Dalton. Colt was on their side the whole time. He was to come in and see what you all had and then when you least expected it, they would attacked....... I saw them take Kelsey away too.... The leader wants me and Dalton dead. They are going to take every single one of you until he gets us...... Dalton's gone now, so it's me he wants."

"And how do you know all of this?" Hunter asked me.

"What is that on your back?" I hear Henry says.

"A rotter scratched her, but it was a long time ago. She had all the symptoms, but she didn't die. We came to the hospital to find some type of answer for this." Isaac spoke for me.

"That's impossible." Henry says in disbelief.

"We can try. Troy knows." Nancy speaks.

"I just don't want to be disappointed again." He says.

"Logan hook the machine up. We have to test her." Nancy says.

Logan hooks up a machine and they start moving stuff around.

"I'm Troy. I'm a doctor. I need to stick this thing in your arm." He says quickly.

He jabs the needle in my arm, draws blood, and goes to where they set this stuff up and starts working.

"This will probably take a while." Troy says.

A While Later

I see Logan staring at me, so I get up to go sit next to him.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." He says back.

"What was all that about?" I ask.

"We have been working to find a cure. There is this huge building in Oklahoma, where they are keeping the president safe. They won't let us in if we don't have any information. If your immune, you could be our ticket in." He says.

I nod my head, taking in everything that he just told me.

I'm not leaving without my brother though.

"No. This is impossible. It can't be." Troy says.

Henry, Logan, and Nancy run up to him and gasp.

"It's worth a try. It could be true. We just have to try." Nancy desperately pleads.

"Everyone gets packed up and keep Kaiden safe. We are going to Oklahoma." Henry calls out.

Everyone is running around, but me, Hunter, Isaac, and Amara. We are standing still so confused.

"What's going on?" I say loudly.

Henry walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"What caused this, was flesh eating bacteria in water. The weird thing is, your blood controls the bacteria and over rules the virus. Kaiden, your blood is the reason that you are immune. Your are the cure to this virus. We can stop this whole mess and finally go back to normal, if we can make it to Oklahoma." Henry says and walks away.

I just stand there shocked. That can't be true. It's impossible. How can I be the cure?

4 Hours Later

After the big fight I had about not leaving my brother, we are in a car currently heading to Oklahoma. Everyone decided to pile up in a big army truck, but I refused. So me, Isaac, Hunter, and Amara are in a car behind the rest of them.

I lean my head against the window and look out. I see this tiny black thing fly into the air and land on the army truck, blowing it up, and sending it into flames. Amara jerks the steering wheel and we turn and hit the side of a pole, flipping only twice. None of us got hurt. Maybe a few scratches and bruises, but everyone in the army truck died.

We crawl out of the now upside down car and stand up. I look to see Dalton walking towards us. I limp to him as fast as I could.

"Where have you been?" I ask.

"Finding a grenade to kill dad."

"You idiot! That's wasn't him! That was us! You almost killed me!" I yell.

"I'm sorry! I thought it was dad!" He yells back.

"Why would you want to kill your dad?" Amara speaks up.

I turn around to see them standing behind me. I go to say something, but someone cuts me off.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." I turn back around d to see dad walk up to me and Dalton.

"Now, I'm wondering the same thing as her. Why would you want to kill your father?" He says with an evil grin.

This is not going to end well.

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