I Miss You

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Leslie's POV

I miss Hunter. It's been about 4 weeks and he isn't back yet. He told me he had a surprise for me for my birthday, but he never came back. I hope he isn't dead. That would break my heart into a million pieces. I never got to tell him how I really felt about him. Everyday I go and see if he ever came back, but as each day passes, I lose hope. I lose hope that he is never coming back.

"Hello?" Kelsey says in a rude way, "Did you not here what I said?"

"Sorry." I say and sigh.

"You were thinking about hunter again. Weren't you?" She asked.

I just nod my head feeling bad. She is trying to talk to me to cheer me up and keep me company, but I've been thinking about him. She is supposed to take my mind off of him, but she isn't going a good job. She just talks about uninteresting things.

We are sitting on Kelsey's porch, watching Griffin play around with bubbles.

"Don't worry. He is fine. He will come back to you." She reassured me.

I just kind of nod and shrugs it off. I just wonder where he is.

Hunter's POV

I don't know how long we have been out here, but I know we are officially lost. We stopped at a gas station to see what they have in here, but there wasn't much. I go behind the gas station to see what looks to be a grave. There is a board on too that had "Brooke" carved in it. Someone died and her people buried them. I guess there is still humanity in this world.

We go and get back in the car and drive further, hoping there is a jackpot. We keep driving until we see some rotters in the middle of the road up ahead. We pass by them easily.

Colt is now up and not on me anymore. Thank god for that. He isn't snoring in my ear and maybe my hearing can go back to normal.

We come to a slow stop, when we see a car destroyed and flipped over. We see that someone was along out and getting eaten. It seems to be a girl.

"Jake, come with me." Maddix says, "Colt and Hunter, you go check out the car."

We walk over to the car and look in it. We see glass everywhere and one of the doors missing. We see a man that has glass lunged into his eye, all the way through to the back of his head. A boy who is passed out, but doesn't look that bad. Another boy who looks to be dead and head is bleeding. Then there is a little girl who looks beat up. Man what a wreck?

I hear groaning and the little girl starts moving. I take out my gun just in case she is bit. She opens her eyes and I see these pretty blue oceanic eyes staring at me. She starts coughing like she is trying to get some fresh air. I know for a fact that she is alive.

"What's your name?" Colt speaks up.

"K-K-Kaiden...." She tries to say.

"Katelyn?" He says back.

"K-Kaiden." She says a little bit louder this time.

"Kaiden. That's a pretty name." I say and smile at her.

She is really pretty.

Me and Colt carefully pull her out to make sure we don't hurt her even more. She has cuts, bruises, and blood on her.

Colt runs to the car and grabs a water bottle and runs back and gives her some water. I prob her up against me and try to sit her up. She is really tiny so I make sure I'm careful enough Blu to break her.

"You have to help them." She says.

"We will try okay, but we don't know if they are alive or not." Colt says.

"My name is Hunter and this is Colt. Over there is Jake and Maddix." I say to her.

"My brother is in the car. He has blonde hair and he is wearing black. Is he okay?" She asked trying to get up.

I hug her so she wouldn't get up and I felt like it was the right thing to do also.

Colt goes over there and looks in the car. Then he goes to talk to Maddix and Jake.

"I sure hope they are alright." She says.

We pull away from the hug.

"I'm pretty sure they will be fine. I know you are." I say and give her my signature smirk.

She just smiles.

"Sorry. It's just when I see a pretty girl, I just can't help but to say stuff like that." I say.

"Yeah. I get that a lot. Does people tell you that your hot." She says and winks at me.

We are going to get along great. She is just like me. Hot, funny, and flirtatious.

"Anyway you are too old for me." She speaks up.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"15." She replies back.

"But you don't look that young though. You look at least 17." I say.

"Well, thanks, but I don't need to be flirting with a babe like you. I need to be worrying about my brother." She says.

I help her stand up. We walk over to the rest of the guys who have gotten the other 2 boys out of the car. One was already sitting up with his head in his hands.

Kaiden tries to go over to there, but I had to help her get to him.

"Dalton." She says.

He looks up and I can't tell they are siblings because they look a like. He gets up and hugs her. He was the one with the blood on the side of his head.

I hope I get to know her more because I can't let another gorgeous girl slip  from my hands again. Besides I can tell we can joke and flirt win each other, but no harm or feelings would come with it.

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