best boyfriend (part 2 of best friends) ~Mithross~

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Ross' P.O.V

I awoke from my slumber with light shinning in my eye and try to sit up. Key word: try, I was restricted by an arm holding onto my back. Squinting I look up and my eyes meet the face of a peaceful sleeping Max. His lips were slightly parted and small snores escaped his lips making me awh at the taller male. Lifting up my right arm I poke max on the cheek in attempt to awake him. He groans in his sleep rolling over pulling me with him so I was laying on top of him making me yelp in surprise. This made max wake up as I watched his eyes clutter open I smile at his cuteness. He yawns before opening his eyes completely, once open his brown eyes looking into mine. "Hey baby." Max spoke in his beautiful morning voice. "Baby?" I questions attempting to climb off of him. He pulls me back into him before replying. "Yeah clichè nicknames. That's what relationships are right?" I laugh at him and try to get up again but to no avail as Max held me down. "Come on we got to go to school." Max groaned in response but reluctantly let go of me freeing me from his death hold. "If you get in the shower I'll make some breakfast." As if on cue my stomach rumbles making max chuckle. I swing my legs off the bed after climbing off max and standing up stretching my muscles. Max sits up watching me as I grab things for the shower. I grab my towel from the back of my door and some clothes for school. Nothing overly nice just a white shirt a jacket and blue jeans. Max stands up pulling off his shirt beginning to get changed. I blush at the sight even though I had seen him shirtless multiple times due to PE. I hear him unbuckle his belt and walk out of the room blushing like crazy. His laughter fills my ears as I enter the bathroom. Sighing I turn on the shower waiting for it to heat up striping from the clothes I had had on from yesterday.

Whilst in the shower max was completely occupying my mind as he usually is but this time in a different way. A way I would rather not share. (;]) a small blush paints my cheeks as I turn the hot water to cold trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I yelped from the coldness of the shower that had helped my situation so I put the water back on hot and finished cleaning myself from the dirt of yesterday. Once I finished I climbed put of the tub wrapping the towel around my waist and walking out into the hallway. Quietly I walk into my room carful not to disturb my mum who had got in from work late last night. Once in my room. I began to change into my clothes when I heard a voice. "Nice ass." I jump in surprise of Max's voice before turning around glaring at him. "I just came to tell you breakfast was ready." Max said defensively sticking his hands up by his head before turning around and skipping down the stairs back into the kitchen. Shaking my head at his weirdness I finish putting my clothes on and following in the footsteps of where max had once trod. Happily I bounce into the kitchen where max is stacking pancakes onto two plates. He sees me and smiles sending butterflies to erupt throughout my stomach. I sit at the breakfast bar and pull the plate towards myself putting butter on top of the small stack. We ate in silence, although this sounds awkward it was oddly comforting knowing that I was here with him. My phone vibrated against the stone of the breakfast bar making both max and I jump slightly at the sound. Picking it up I look at the screen to see Adam had texted me.

Adamhasaflatbooty: yo! You and Max coming yet?

Ross-chan: ye give us a min. Btw me and Max are together just a heads up so you don't freak out later.

Adamhasaflatbooty: erh merh gerh I want proof!

I sigh in annoyance but agree to his request. Since max was next to me I grabbed his face turning it too me kissing him on the lips. They tasted like syrups. I snap a picture and send it to Adam whilst max looks at me confused. "What the hell was that?!" He called at me. "Just a request from Adam as he wanted proof we were dating." Max hums in response as my phone vibrates.


I chuckle and showed max who looked at the message and smiled. We finished what else we had to do and slipped our shoes on. "Right let's go Max!" I cheer pulling him by his arm out of the front door. I link our hands as we walk down the short trek to our school. To get to the school we had to walk past the park, the park where the best moment of my life happened. I nudge max who looked over at me and I motioned with my head towards the park causing him to smile at me leaning down to capture his lips with mine. It was a short peck but it was full of emotion. Finally we walk into school hand in hand gaining the attention of most students in the school. People quiet whispers filled my ears as I listened to a few. Most were positive such as 'they make such a cute couple' and 'I knew it' of course there was a couple of negative but I decided to ignore them and simply enjoy being in each other's company. We walk into form where most of our friends were luckily. As soon as we stepped in we were greeted by the deafening squeal of Jess and Shelby.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU GUYS REALLY DATING?!" Shelby squeaked jumping into our personal space. "Yes." Max spoke plainly knowing more questions were to come. They squealed louder. "Since when?!" Jess shouted at us. "Yesterday." It was my turn to answer. "How did you get together?" They questioned freakishly in synch. "Might as well answer all future questions..." Max then proceeded to tell the story of how we got together until Charlie walked in. Max went silent and everything slowed down. As soon as Charlie saw Max he begun to walk over swaying his hips. I felt anger boil in the pits of my stomach as my natural instincts kicked in. I pull max towards me by the collar of his shirt and press my lips roughly to Max's causing the girls squeals to intensify. I watch as Charlie stops walking and glares at me as I shot daggers into him before closing my eyes enjoying the kiss with Max. He rests his hands on my waist as I bring mine around his neck. I hear Charlie scoff and Adam squeal, I assume he had just walked into the room. Max pulls away from me reluctantly realising that the teacher was to be here at any moment. I pout my lips at him and peck him on the lips gently once more before sliding in my seat smiling happily of the events that had happened these last 2 days.

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now