Step Count ~Timily~

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Each child is born with a number, a number that goes down with every step you take. When the number reaches 0 you have met your soul mate. My step count was down in the 2000's which excited me greatly. I was 21 and was one of my only friends that had yet to meet their soul mate. I was sitting next to my friend Barney at the time who had met his soul mates 3 days prior. "God he looked so perfect, when I saw him my heart melted. Even before I knew he was my soulmate." Barney gushed, he was truly struck with love, you could see it in his eyes. They were filled with warmth and happiness. I smiled at him, I was glad he had found his soul mate, I was just anxious to meet mine. "I'm glad you finally met the Man for you bro." I say patting him on the back lightly. "I'm going to go to the mall, I'll see you later." I stand from my seat and walk away from Barney watching as the number fell. "Bye Tim!" Barney called after me as I continued to walk out of the building. Walking was a lot more popular among those who have yet to meet their soulmates, myself included, so I decided I should walk to the mall.

The walk to the mall was roughly 400 steps, bringing my steps to 1914. (WORLD WAR MWHAHAHAHA) I continued walking through the mall, going into random shops buying a few things as I walked around. Nothing big or expensive, just small things. I was mainly doing this to drop my step count, by the time I was done I was down to 1547. Not too long to go, two days at most. I hope. I walk out of the mall with two bags in hand. Time to walk home. From the mall I knew home was roughly 300 steps. Not too bad. The walking was tiring but it was worth it for meeting my soul mate. By the time I got home I was exhausted and walked into the front room where Max sit with his girlfriend, or soulmate. "Hey Tim you look exhausted." Max's girlfriend commented minimal as I collapse onto the sofa. "Yeah I just walked over 1000 steps so I'm really fucking exhausted." I watch as Max's eyes widen. "Damn Tim that's a lot of steps. Did you take breaks?" He asked concerned. "Of course, I'd be dead if i didn't." I chuckle, feeling my eyes get heavy.

~Time Skip of 2 days~

Emily's P.O.V

I woke up from my sleep and took a look at my wrist, 358 steps. I squealed from excitement and jump up from my bed to get up for the day, I had to go to the store. I wasn't usually so excited in the mornings but due to my step count being so low I couldn't contain my excitement. My phone began to ring beside me so I pick it up and answer the call. "Hello?" I ask as I answer. "Hey em! It's Michael! You wanna come to the park and meet my soul mate? He's bringing his friend so you won't be third wheeling." I contemplated it for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Yeah, let me go to the store first though." Michael cheered before wishing me fun at the store and hanging up. I roll my eyes at his craziness and continue to get ready. I throw on my red dress and black flats and brush my teeth before leaving my house. The walk to the shop wasn't far so I made it in no time, picking up what I needed and left, bringing my stuff home. "142." I read aloud smiling to myself. I pull out my phone and text Michael.

To Redy : I'm on my way, near the swings as always?

To Embembreo: ye, I'll see you there :)

I smile and leave my house for the second time today but walk the opposite way I had walked when I was going to the shop. The park wasn't too far, maybe 100 steps, if that. The walk was nice, peaceful, the roads were quiet with no traffic surprisingly. Birds chirped beautifully, creating a sweet melody. It was truly a perfect walk. I made it to the park with a smile on my face. My eyes spot red swinging slightly on the swings and I rushed over to join him. "Hey!" Red exclaims as he sees me. "Hello." I smile sitting down on the swing next to Red. "How many steps?" Red asked excitedly, I had told him about how close I was getting to meeting my soulmate. I turn my wrist over and glance at the number. "F-four steps!" I stutter, squealing with happiness. "Oh Em! I'm so happy for you." Red said pushing his swing closer to mine and hugging me. "21 steps!" We heard a voice exclaim from not to far away. This causes Red to let go as he swings back to where it's original spot was. I turn my head around to see to men talking as they got closer to us. As they get closer the man squeals. "9!" I stand and walk towards them meeting them halfway. "Hey I'm em." I say sticking my hand out for them to shake. The taller of the two shook my hand introducing himself as Barney whilst the other stood their in awe. "Em how many steps did you just take?" Red asks knowingly. "Fo- oh." A wave of realisation hit me. Barney walks towards red as I stay standing there with the shorted male. "I'm Tim." He introduced himself, unfreezing from his shocked state. "Hey Tim, I guess we're soulmates." I smile cheekily at the man. He pulls me into a hug before speaking. "Sorry I've just waited 21 years." "No it's cool, we're soulmates, it's meant to be so I don't mind. All I do want to suggest is that we get to know each other before we label ourselves." Tim nods in agreement after letting me go from the hug. "Yeah I'm cool with that."

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