Pastel To My Punk ~Redney~

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Thanks to DistantWriting for the idea :D I'm also sorry this isn't 5000 words I've been having trouble writing recently<3

Barney's thoughts in this font

Red's thoughts in this font

No one's point of view

It was a typical day for the pastel teen named Michael, or Red which he preferred. It was the beginning of his second year of high school and he was nervous to go back but also excited to see all of his friends. Red pulled himself up from his bed and towards his wardrobe which he opened and pulled out his comfy pastel green sweater, white collared shirt as well as some crème pants. Red began mumbling words to a random song as he got ready for school in attempt to distract himself from his worries about school. I am so not prepared for today. He thought to himself running his hands over his face. Red typically wasn't one to procrastinate anything but when it came to school he was willing to do anything but prepare. Red picked up his bag and brought it downstairs to the front door before walking into the kitchen to be greeted by his mother and sister. "Morning guys!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he made himself some cereal. "Hey honey, I'd be quick with eating that you got up a little late so you're going to have to rush to the bus stop." His mom greeted not looking up from her Kindle as she read. Red hummed in response waiting for his toast to be done. As soon as the toast popped up Red began to eat it, not caring that it was bland. He ate it quickly before walking into the bathroom where he brushed his teeth. "Bye mom!" He called as he rushed out of the front door, jogging down to the bus stop.

"Hey guys!" Red smiled at his friends slightly out of breath from the jog there. "Yo red!" Adam cheered patting him on the back. Red and his friends were very close although none were pastel like himself. Their friend Jess had a similar taste to Red when it came to color but she wore more cutesy clothes than he did. Max and Ross stood talking to each other while their girlfriends were talking to one and other as well. Ashlie and Cheese were close friends due to Max and Ross being best friends. Red looked around the group when he saw the familiar punk walking towards them. Damn he looks good. Red thinks to himself looking the boy up and down discreetly. Barney always had suited that leather jacket. Red admits to himself biting his lip. Barney himself was looking at the quiet pastel boy who was at the back of the group. Damn look at the cute little pastel boy! He's so adorable. If anyone knew of his thoughts about Red they'd think he'd gone soft and he'd lose his reputation. "Hello." Barney greeted the group, smirk on his lips. "Hey!" Everyone spoke back. "You're just in time for the bus." Cheese pointed out gesturing to the bus. "Man that's lucky." Barney sighed stuffing his hands into his pockets. The crowd of teenagers climbed into the bus and walked the the back, the spot they had claimed since their first week at the school.

Okay, today is the day I'm going to ask him. Barney told himself, nodding his head internally. "Hey Barney, do you want to hang out with us at the scare park after school?" Adam asked the punk teen. Barney wasn't a fan of the scare park but he knew Red was going to be there. "Sure." He replied uncertain if he actually wanted to go. Damn. Yes Red liked the punk but he was always unsure of how he should act around him as the vibe he gave of made Red uncomfortable. The bus ride consisted of the group if friends talking about the game they had all been playing called Minecraft, none of them loved playing the game it was the fact that it was a platform that you could do whatever you imagined in. "Oh Red! I almost forgot!" Jess squealed unzipping her bag, gaining the attention of the whole group. She pulled out a circular ring with a beautiful formation of red flowers on it. "A flower crown!" Red gasped taking it from her hands before placing it on his head. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Red squealed pulling Jess into the best hug he could from sitting down on a bus. Red had always wanted a flower crown but was too embarrassed to go into the store and buy himself one. Oh my god he looks adorable. Barney thought, eyes widening at the sight of the boy.

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