strong ~Mithross~

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Hands intertwined, smile on his lips, heart full of happiness. To put it simply Max was completely and utterly in love with Ross. And it is clear that Ross feels the same way. The boys walk through the halls hands interlocked not caring as to what others think and just caring about each other. In school the two were polar opposites. Max was seen as a bad ass with an anger problem whereas Ross was the shy boy who if you were lucky to know him was very bubbly and creative. Ross was slightly nervous of the outcome of them holding hands in school but didn't want to let it show, this is what Max wanted and Ross wasn't going to say no to his puppy dog eyes. Those eyes were irresistible, they contradict all of his stereotypes. But we'll so does Max out of school, Max is much like Ross when they are alone together. The two both share an addiction to runescape, they met on their and it was a happy coincidence they went to school together. Through Ross Max had made great friends who also knew about his nerdy side and kept it a secret so his reputation is not ruined.

It was the end of the school day and the two boys were going to have a movie date at Max's. They walk out of the building and towards the car park where Max's black convertible sat waiting for the two. They both got in and Max put the top down, knowing how Ross loved the wind as they drove. In that sense Ross was a bit like a puppy, he enjoyed the simple things in life much like a puppy would. Max drove out of the school grounds carefully and respectfully, although he was a bad ass he wasn't a dick. Max lived fairly close so it only took a few songs on the radio for the two lovers to reach their destination. Max jumped out of the car over his door whereas Ross actually used the car door for its purpose. The two walked through the door I the garage and into the living room where Max's mom laid watching some soap opera. "Hey mom! Ross and I will be going upstairs." Max said as he shut the garage door. "OK sweetie, have fun. But not too much fun." "Mommmmm!" Max's groaned embarrassed a light blush brushed their cheeks. Max's mom was very accepting of the two boys and admitted to being bisexual herself, which came to a huge shock to the two boys. Max grabbed Ross hand before pulling him up the stairs and into his bedroom. "Bye Mrs. M!" Ross called whilst still on the stairs. "You sit down I'll grab us a film." Max said pecking Ross on the lips before tuning to the DVD stand. Ross goes and sits on the bed waiting patiently for Max then Ross noticed Max's but was in the perfect place for viewing. "I got a great view from here." Ross said cheekily smiling to himself. "I know right." Max said slapping himself on the butt before pulling out a DVD and placing it in the DVD player and walking to Ross' side and laying next to him. Ross immediately rolled over and cuddled into Max's side, head resting on his chest. Ross grabbed Max's hand as the other one wrapped around his waist. He begins to fiddle with the fingers fingers smiling contently as the film played like background noise to him.

"Hey Ross?" Max questioned looking down at his boyfriend. "Yeah babe?" Ross asked diverting his attention away from Max's hand. "Our love is like a book without an end. Because our love is ongoing." There were so many unspoken words between the two and both were always left thinking 'why is it so hard to say it?'. "Don't start with the book analogies again." Ross groaned, whenever Max wanted to express how he felt to Ross he typically used book analogies which had begun to bore Ross slightly. "Fuck it, I'll tell him right now before someone steals him from me." Max whispered to himself and then began to think of the correct words to say. Ross had always been the one that wasn't as good as expressing their feelings so what he said next shocked Max greatly. "I'm sorry about those calls you get at 2 am of me telling you I need you. But right now I don't care because I'm not scared of how in love with you I am. Because when I'm not with you I'm weaker. To put it simply you make me strong." Ross had a pink tint on his cheeks as he felt embarrassed as to just having expressed his feelings, something he'd never done with words before. He typically did it with small kisses. Max's face had a huge grin and a rosy blush painting his freckled cheeks. "So much love has been wasted as people are always trying to escape it, move on to stop themselves from breaking. But I'm not afraid of that I have you now and that's all that matters to me." Ross speaks barely above a whisper just audible to the ginger beneath him. "I just pray that you'll never let me go because without you I'm basically nothing. I need you to keep me from falling apart. I know I'll never let go of you I'm just worried you will let go of me." Ross admitted averting his attention to look Max dead in the eyes. "I'll never let go of you Ross, letting go of you would be like letting go of life because that's what you have become, my life. You have given me a purpose and I don't want to loose the reason I'm alive." Ross leaned up pressing his lips happily to his ginger boyfriend, kissing him gently and full of love. This was the first time Ross had expressed his feelings with words and it certainly wasn't going to be the last.

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