Red ~Mithross~

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Sorry for the lack of updates my bean has been distracting me and I haven't had internet

Red the colour of his hair,

"Hey Ross?" Adam called from the main area. I walked out to meet him sitting on the white couch. "We have a new editor and he moved here from Louisiana recently and him and Tim got a place with a third room so I was wonde-" "you want me to live with Tim and the new guy?" I said showing no emotion in my voice. "Uhm well yes." "Sure, why not." I shrugged my shoulders. "OK we got one recording of roommates and then you can go get your shit from my place." I nod turning and walking back towards my office for the recording. Since all the voice acting was done we were just saying some random things as we moved our characters around. This was the episode where I punch jess and we are at that scene now. "Watch me punch this girl!" I shout and then punch jess. "Ross that wasn't even funny." Jin commented almost inaudibly. I turn my character towards the group. "She startled me." I grit my teeth as I say it feeling my anger. "Anyway I move forward shout at Ross." Adam said trying to stop the argument he knew was going to happen. I calm myself and we finish the recording and I'm able to go and pack my stuff that's in Adams spare room. "I'm going now bye!" I shout to everyone before leaving the office with Adam who had offered me a lift since I did not yet have a car. We drove to his place with Adam singing horrifically on purpose. My ears felt as if they were ringing by the time we made it and I walked up to the door unlocking it with a key I had been given. The packing was quick and easy and I was out of his house withing 20 minuets. "OK I'll order a bed frame when I get there." I said to Adam getting back into the car. "Alright let us go!" He put the address in the sat nav and we drove off in the direction of my new house. "Okay Ross here we are! The new guy should be in there so you want any help?" Adam questioned nicely. "No thanks, I got it." I pull out my things and say goodbye to Adam. "Maybe I should of got him to help. I managed to carry my stuff up the stairs and I used some keys Tim had given me to get into the apartment and waddled in before starting my stuff in the hallway. I walked into what seemed like the front room and saw a head of red hair before me. "Hello?" I said shyly. The man jumped up and turned to face me. "Oh so you must be the new roommate I'm max!" He said cheerily. Woah i thought to myself like god damn was this guy attractive. "R-ross." Shit I stuttered. I stuck my hand for him to shake and he took it gladly. "Your rooms on the right." He said gesturing to a white door closest to the front room.

Red the colour of his cheeks when I told him how I felt.

I had been living with max and Tim for a few months now and I have had the time of my life. When Tim was recording Max and I would just sit in the couch watching anime and today was one of the days. "Alright I got to go record! See you losers later." Tim stood from his seat and started to walk out of the room. "Don't have to much fun the recording will pick it up!" A blush paints my cheeks and Max laughs shaking his head. "So Anime?" Max asked turning his head to me raising an eyebrow. "Anime." He picked up the controller and put on Netflix where they had recently added an anime section. (#notspon) Max clicks on the Anime seven deadly sins and we begin to watch it. Max seems to get lost in the storyline so I am able to turn with my legs crossed to face him without him really noticing. He was slightly leant forward with his elbows on his knee, Max's mouth was slightly parted allowing small breaths to pass through his pink lips. His eyes were rapidly moving with the action on the TV. "You look so perfect." A blush appears on his cheeks and he turns to look at me. Shit I said that out loud. "W-what?" Max asks confused. "You just look so perfect right now." "What are you trying to say?" He asks blush more prominent on his cheeks than before. "I really like you Max,i think I might even be in love with you." A huge smile appears on his face. "I love you too." He makes grabby actions towards me and I crawl over to him and lay in his arms smiling contently.

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