Pocky ~Timily~

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Emily's P.O.V

"Em, challenge video, now." James said peeking his head into my office, I groan in annoyance before standing from my seat. Great, I'm involved in a challenge video and I have no clue what it can be, whoopty doo. My feet carry me out of the room and towards the challenge area where 4 seats sat in the middle of the set in a semi-circle. I see Max, Ross and Tim standing there talking amongst themselves. "Hey do you guys know what the hell were doing?" I ask the guys as I walk next to the short adorable Tim. "Uhm something to do with pockys." Tim said gesturing to the table with the sugary goods on the table that the tables were around. I look at the other two who were giggling to themselves, as if they knew about what was to happen. "Right let's get to filming!" Adam exclaimed from the audience, I look over to them to see everyone is sitting in the audience and raise my eyebrow precariously. Ignoring my confused look everyone sits down andi swiftly follow siting in the seat beside Ross. I see the camera men count down from five and then Ross start the intro. "Hey guys Ross here, you may be wondering as to why I'm starting this and its because the two that do work here have no clue that we are going to be doing the pocky challenge." Shit. My cheeks begin to heat up at the thought of kissing Tim and I shake my head, trying to get the image out of my brain.

"So what the pocky challenge is where two people begin eating one pocky from each end. The first person whose mouth comes off the pocky or the other player gets to the middle first loses. If the participants end up kissing, it is a tie." Ross explained perfectly before saying that it was time to start. On the table were pockets and a spinner. "OK so whoever the spinner lands on you will have to do the challenge with." Tim elaborated further. "I'm going to go first." He exclaimed before spinning the dial. Please be me please be me please be me damn! The spinner landed on Max and both Ross and I laughed. Tim got a pocky out of the packet and placed it between his lips, Max doing the same with the other. Slowly they began to nibble at the pocky, getting closer and closer to each other's faces until. "Fuck! I cant do this! It's really fucking weird." Tim shouted after letting go of his side of the pocky, making Max victorious. Max threw his hands up happily before throwing the pocky away. "I don't want Tim germs." Max explained. I would. I thought to myself before face palming myself. The others look at me confused but continue the game. "Right so it's my turn!" Ross cheered nervously. He spun the spinner and we waited in silence until it stopped spinning, when it did it had landed on Max. "Again?!" He exclaimed but grabbed a pocky from the packet placing it between his lips. Ross' cheeks burned red but he still put the opposite end in his mouth before they began eating it. Just looking at max you could tell he wasn't going to back down. We watch as they get closer and closer and then there was no more pocky, a short kiss was shared before Ross pulled away blushing furiously. "Mithross!" Tim exclaimed loudly making me flinch from the sound. Max was smiling happily as if he had just won the best prize in the world, he looked content with what had just happened.

"Well then, I guess it's my go." I state after Ross had regained his composure. I nervous twisted the spintop and waited anxiously to see who it would land on. Ross was making jokes about it going to be Tim and how he 'shipped' us, don't worry Ross I ship us too. The dial finally began to come to a slow halt. I look at the way it was pointing and it was pointing back at me. "Well guess I gotta do it with myself." I saw calmly relieved it hadn't landed on anyone. "No, I demand a respin!" Max stropped, hitting his hand on the table like a preschooler. "OK OK! Chill!" I replied sticking my hands up defensively. I spin the top again, this time not as hard, when the spintop came to a slow this time I looked and saw it had landed on my crush, Tim. Well shit. I look at Tim's face to see it mirrored my shocked blushing face. Did he feel the same way? No he's probably blushing because this is an awkward situation. I hesitantly grab the pocky and put the tip in my mouth, (;)) Tim doing the same to the opposing end. We slowly began to chip away at the chocolate coated stick and I wanted to back out but at the same time I really wanted this. We were centimetres apart and that's when Tim made the next move, he bit the rest of the pocky before kissing me. Ike properly kissing me, I kiss him back happily as he placed his hand on the back of my head, pulling me towards him. (Idk how to describe kissing) we kiss for awhile before there is the sound of Max clearing his throat from beside us. "Did you guys forget we were mid recording?" Max asked giggling to himself quietly. Ross face held pure shock but then twisted into happiness. "If we use all the footage of them kissing the video will belong enough." Ross pointed out to Max. Tim and I back away from each other, smiling crazily. "Em would you be my girlfriend?" Tim spoke clearly so the microphone could pick it up. "I'd love to be." I reply, pecking him on the lips before returning to my seat. "Okay guys! So that was the pocky challenge. Please leave a like and a comment in the section below and so long until next time!" Tim said doing the outro. Once the cameras were off I smile at Tim happily, thankful for being forced into doing this video.

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