oops ~Mithross~

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Oops is something people say a lot, including me. So it was no surprise that when I bumped into a cute guy on my way into school that we both said oops. There is a lot of different ways to say oops, you can say it sarcastically, grumpily, half hartedly, no sincerity or in this case a real oops. We both didn't mean to bump into each other, coincidentally we were both texting people. I apologised quickly as did he and we exchanged names. "I'm max." I spoke with a huge smile on my face, I stick my hand out for him to shake. "Ross." The boy spoke shyly but still accepted my hand shake. "What's perfect name for a perfect boy." He blushed hard and let go of my hand before dashing into school. "I hope to see you again!" I called after the boy as I walked into school slowly. Today was my first day of school and to be honest I had no clue where I was going. Fortunately for me the office was right next to the entrance so I didn't have to wonder the halls like an idiot for the whole day. Confidently I tap on the door 3 times and wait to be beckoned in. "Come in!" I hear a feminine voice call from the office. Doing as instructed I walk in seeing a girl with long black hair sitting at a desk. "Hello, you must me Max Mithzan! I'm Mrs. Aphmau but everyone calls me Jess." I wave at politely. "Hey, is it OK if I get my timetable and locker please." She nods her head before going through a stack of papers pulling out two pieces before handing them to me. "Okay so the first sheet is your timetable and the second is all the club options. Please hand that to me by the end of the day." I nod and turn getting ready to leave the office. "Oh! And I have a student coming to show you around he should be outside the office." I call a thanks before opening the door and going out into the hall.

When I open the door I see the guy from before, Ross. I smile at him pushing my backpack back onto my shoulder as it was beginning to slip off. "So I am to assume you are Max mithzan then?" He asked nervously. "Yup! The one and only. And I am to assume you are my tour guide." He nods his head and we begin to walk the halls. Everything was quiet except from him saying the names of classrooms every so often. "Instead of silence let's get to know each other more." I suggested. He nodded his head, "OK what were you thinking?" I shrug my shoulders as I thought through things. "Let go with the typical favourite colour, favourite food, hobbies, interests." I listed. "OK then, my favourite colour is blue, I'm a big fan of IHOPs vanilla pancakes, does gaming count as a hobby? And my interests are cats and Anime." He said using his fingers to count and remember things he had said. "Anime? I fucking love anime!" I cheered putting my hands up with enthusiasm. "Cool! It's your turn to answer the questions." "Uhm, I like green, Mac 'n' cheese, crafts specifically, gaming because yes and i like babies, dogs and obviously Anime." He nods his head. "Babies?" "They're so cute with their lil faces." I coo. I clear my throat. "Anyway one more question. What is your sexual orientation?" He looks at me as if I asked him to kill someone. "W-what?" "What's your sexual orientation?" He blushes slightly. "I-im gay." A smile makes its way onto my face. "Cool! I'm pansexual. And before you ask I'm not sexual attracted to pans." "I didn't think it meant you were." "Some people do so I say that I'm not to start with." He nods his head. "Can I see your timetable?" He was a lot more confident at this point and I smiled handing him my timetable. "OK so first period you have Drama with me so let's walk there now."

We reach a door with the word 'drama' painted on in various colours. He opened the door and a group of people shout. 'Ross!' he waved at them and looked at me. "You want to come meet my friends?" "Sure why not" Ross smiles and pulls me by my hand towards his group of friends. "Yo Ross who's the new guy?" A guy with curly hair and glasses asked. "Oh this is max! I met him this morning and I was giving him a tour." I wave at the group. "Hey I'm Adam." The curly haired boy says. "Michael but you can call me Red." A ginger boy says happily. "I'ms the Barneys." Chorused a tall brown haired guy with his arm around Reds waist. "My girlfriend Alesa should be here soon but yeah that's us in this class. A couple of our friends have Biology right now." Adam explained and I nodded. I look down and notice Ross still has his hand in mine. Adam noticed and shouted "moss!" Ross blushed and quickly dropped my hand making my smile drop but and I looked away as a pink tinted my cheeks. This isn't like you max, get your shit together! The teacher then came in the room with a girl with green hair. The girl came in and as soon as she saw Adam she ran and jumped at him kissing his lips. "They haven't seen each other in a week or two because Alesa was on holiday." Ross explained as he saw my face hat was shocked and confused. "That makes sense." I spoke nodding my head watching he two. "Woah! Is that what you sound like? That's hot." Red spoke and I blushed. I heard two people growl quietly. I looked at Barney and he was holding onto Red protectively and then I look at Ross who is glaring at Red. This is weird...

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now